Arrow Dynamics: Sensibly Choosing FOC - Rokslide
2018年10月3日 · Arrow Dynamics: Sensibly Choosing FOC By Daykota Kime For a group of individuals who pride themselves on the simplicity of a “stick and string”, we sure have a tendency to get lost in the details of it all. Front of Center (FOC) has become to the archery world what Keto or Paleo has become to the health world. A fashionable term, in which those who use it the most seem to have the least ...
Iron Will Wide Single Bevel Broadhead Review - Rokslide
2024年12月9日 · Iron Will Wide Single Bevel Broadhead Review. Jared tested the Iron Will Wide Single Bevel to see how they performed on targets and animals.
Vortex Razor 11-33x50mm HD Spotter Review - Rokslide
2015年12月31日 · Vortex Razor HD 11-33x50mm Spotter: The Backcountry Hunter’s Perfect Companion By Travis Bertrand, Rokslide Moderator It is no secret backcountry hunters rave about the Vortex Razor HD 11-33x50mm spotting scopes. This has been the “go to” scope for a lot of ounce counters since it came out. I figured it was time for me to […]
PEAX Solace vs. SITKA Hyperdown Sleeping Bags - Rokslide
2024年10月6日 · Peax Solace vs Sitka Hyperdown They both boast a pretty unique set of features that allow for free hands use without leaving the warmth of your bag. They both also allow the bags to be worn as quasi parkas–think hanging …
A Little Q&A Podcast - Rokslide
2022年5月19日 · In this episode I breeze through some questions sent in by listeners. Everything from hunting alone to the power of scope I prefer.
Net-Gunning for Big Mule Deer - Rokslide
2025年1月20日 · Robby hosts Woodrow Myers on today's episode. Woodrow was a wildlife biologist for the state of Washington for 40 years before joining the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission. They talk net-gunning for big mule deer and more.
Mule Deer Q&A with Robby Denning - Rokslide
2022年6月28日 · Our fearless leader and big buck hunter Robby Denning joins us this week to cover listener questions about hunting mule deer. We discuss slope aspects, what buck country is, hunting with horses, how not to hunt with horses, overthinking things and much more.
"Extended" Range Riflescope Showdown - Rokslide
2012年8月17日 · “Extended” Range Riflescope Showdown: By Matt Cashell As I crested the ridge, my hunting partner, Jared, whispered to me, “They’re still there! He’s up and feeding.” I settled behind my binoculars and looked over two bulls munching their way through a huge burned slope. I had spotted these bulls bedded at first light from a […]
TT#40 Jake Powers on healthy living and leadership. - Rokslide
2024年9月24日 · Tipsy Tuesday #40 has Jake Powers- Director of Community at MTN OPS giving us some insight into healthy living and leadership. Jake tackles some of the misconceptions about MTN OPS and sets the record straight on what it takes to be a leader in the industry. Listen in as we dive headfirst into the MTN OPS product line up and if supplements will work for you. Then SKRE Gear's Josh Jensen talks ...
Pre-hunt Accuracy - Rokslide
2014年8月25日 · After all, it’s too late to fix anything. I’ve been that guy at the range the night before the season trying to sight broadheads (and cussing up a storm) while my friends are already at camp drilling stumps at 80 yards.