The Most Trusted Name in Weathering and Corrosion | Q-Lab
Q-Lab is the world leader for affordable, reliable, and easy-to-use weathering, lightfastness, and corrosion test equipment and testing services. Will your products last outdoors? Don’t guess when you can test!
老化和腐蚀领域值得信赖的品牌 | Q-Lab
Q-Lab 是全球领先的经济实惠、可靠且易于使用的耐候性、耐光性和腐蚀测试设备和测试服务供应商。 您的产品经得起日晒雨淋吗? 如果可以测试,请不要靠猜测!
关于 Q‑Lab | Q-Lab
Q-Lab 是耐候和腐蚀测试公司。我们提供测试仪器以及户外和实验室测试服务。 Q-Lab 的首要使命是让客户的测试变得简单。阅读下文,了解我们的测试方法为何让 Q-Lab 成为“老化领域值得信赖的品牌”。 了解更多
Company | Q-Lab
Q-Lab Corporation is the global leader in material durability testing products. We design and manufacture standard test substrates as well as weathering, lightstability, and corrosion testers. Outdoor exposure testing for weathering, lightfastness, and corrosion is available at Q-Lab Florida and Q-Lab Arizona Desert Testing.
公司 | Q-Lab
Q-Lab 是一家真正的全球性公司,在美国、德国、英国和中国设有六个办公室。 了解有关我们全球总部、销售办事处以及世界各地的户外和实验室测试服务设施的更多信息。
QUV - Q-Lab
Q-Lab produces more UV lamps than the rest of the weathering industry combined. Q-Lab's lamps are specially engineered to our own proprietary specifications, based on our 50+ years of experience with fluorescent UV technology. We have the …
About Q‑Lab
Q‑Lab is the global leader in weathering and corrosion testing. We offer test instruments as well as outdoor and laboratory services. Q‑Lab’s overarching mission is to Make Testing Simple for our customers.
Company Overview | Q-Lab
Q-Lab manufactures Q-PANEL standard test substrates, QUV and Q-SUN accelerated weathering testers, and Q-FOG cyclic corrosion testers. We also offer accelerated laboratory and outdoor test services at our Florida, Arizona, and Germany locations.
풍화 및 부식 분야에서 가장 신뢰받는 이름 | Q-Lab
Q-Lab은 저렴하고 신뢰할 수 있으며 사용하기 쉬운 풍화, 내광성, 부식 시험 장비와 시험 서비스 분야에서 세계를 선도하는 기업입니다.
Der vertrauenswürdigste Name in Sachen Verwitterung und …
Q-Lab ist der weltweit führende Anbieter kostengünstiger, zuverlässiger und benutzerfreundlicher Prüfgeräte und Prüfdienstleistungen für Bewitterung, Lichtechtheit und Korrosion. Halten Ihre Produkte im Freien?
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