QBZ-95 - Wikipedia
The Type 95 automatic rifle (Chinese: 95式自动步枪; pinyin: 95 Shì Zìdòng Bùqiāng) or QBZ-95 is a bullpup assault rifle designed and manufactured by Norinco, and issued since 1995 as the service rifle for the People's Liberation Army, People's Armed Police, and various paramilitary law enforcement agencies in the People's Republic of China.
95式自動步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
95式自动步枪 (QBZ-95,QBZ为源自拼音“轻武器—步枪—自动”的类别代码),简称95式。 95式是由 中国兵器装备集团 兵器装备研究所 研制的 突击步枪,属于95式枪族的一部分,为目前 中国人民解放军 的制式步枪之一。 95式是 中華人民共和國 研制的第二种 小口径步枪 (第一種為 87式自動步槍),也是 中國人民解放军 第一种大规模列装部队的小口径自动步枪,在1997年 中國人民解放軍駐香港部隊 进驻 香港 时作为驻港部队的制式武器首次公开露面。
QBB-95 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The QBB-95 (Chinese: 95式班用轻机枪; pinyin: 95 Shì Bānyòng Qīngjīqiāng; literally: Type 95 Squad Light Machine Gun) is a Chinese light machine gun. Its English designation comes from 轻武器, 步枪, 班用, 1995 (Pinyin: Q īngwuqi, B ùqiāng— B ānyòng, 19 95; literally: Light weapon, rifle, squad-based, 1995).
QBB-95 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The QBB-95 (Type 95) (Chinese: 轻武器, 步枪, 班用, 1995; pinyin: Qīngwuqi, Bùqiāng—Bānyòng, 1995; literally: "Light weapon, Rifle, Squad based, 1995") is the light support weapon variant of the Chinese Type 95 family. Based on the QBZ-95, the standard issue to most PLA units, most parts and ammunition...
NORINCO QBB-95 (Type 95) Light Support Weapon (LSW) / Light Machine Gun ...
2017年7月31日 · The QBB-95 is chambered for the indigenous Chinese 5.8x42mm cartridge developed in the 1980s for the Chinese military. It is an intermediate rifle round comparable to the American 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge.
【科普文】国产轻武器中“QBZ”这种类别代号从何而来? - 哔哩哔哩
2020年5月26日 · 但往下一点,“QBZ”是什么意思就有些军迷不知道了,这里解释一下吧,“Q”代表轻武器,“B”代表步枪,“Z”代表自动武器,所以全称为95式自动步枪,这里再往下一点,“QBZ”这种称号怎么来的? 这一问题估计很多军迷就不知道了。 QBZ95自动步枪。 一开始维帕可列设计局也不知道这种称号怎么来的,也只知道“QBZ”这三个字母代表什么,后来弄资料时无意间发现一个挺有意思的问题,那就是为什么87式自动步枪全称叫QBZ87式5.8mm自动步枪,而81式步枪全 …
QBZ95 - Weaponsystems.net
The QBB-95 is the light support weapon version of the QBZ-95 assault rifle. It has a longer barrel, a bipod, a different forearm and feeds from 75 round drum magazines. The QBB-95 cannot fire rifle grenades or mount an under barrel grenade launcher.
QBB95 5.8mm Squad Machine Gun - FirearmCentral Wiki
The QBB1995 (abbreviated as QBB95), also known as the Type 95 Squad Machine Gun) is a Chinese light machine gun developed from the QBZ95. The QBB95 is fitted with a heavy barrel, allowing it to fire more powerful cartridges than the QBZ95.
NORINCO QBB-95 (Type 95) - Military Equipment Guide With …
The QBB-95 is for the domestic 5.8x42mm cartridge developed for the Chinese military in the 1980s. It is a medium rifle cartridge comparable to the US 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge. A short-stroke, pneumatic, rotating bolt system provides the firing action, and reloading is also carried out from a 30-round detachable magazine supported by a 75-round ...
NORINCO QBZ-95 (Series) Assault Rifle / Carbine / Light Machine Gun
2022年5月11日 · The QBZ-95 is a family line of assault weapons contoured to operator needs and has been developed (as an economical measure) into an assault rifle, carbine and light automatic weapon.