QBZ-191 service rifle family | Page 375 | Sino Defence Forum
2019年3月29日 · Also, QBZ-95 and QBZ-03 was designed before the advent of Pic rails and quick detach optics, and so iron sight was designed as the primary sighting device and optic …
QBZ-03 Assault Rifle | Sino Defence Forum - China Military Forum
2010年4月28日 · The conventionally designed QBZ-03 (Type 03) is very hard to find out about. This is probably due to it's role as a supplementary rifle for the PLA after the standard bullpup …
QBZ-191 service rifle family - Sino Defence Forum
2019年3月29日 · The QBZ-03 entered service in the mid 2000s and only in small numbers as a complement to the QBZ-95. It's now 2019, about a decade and a half since the QBZ-03 …
QBZ-191 service rifle family - Sino Defence Forum
2019年3月29日 · The QBZ-191 is comparable to the hk416 in many ways, sharing the same gas system (with differences, of course) and an external physical layout. Third world countries that …
PLA Small arms | Page 494 | Sino Defence Forum - China Military …
2005年9月25日 · To be honest, I don't get why PLA didn't choose CS/LR17H instead of QBZ-191. The design has a fixed side charging handle (I believe it's rumored to be a requirement for the …
Type 03/ QBZ-03 assault rifle | Sino Defence Forum - China …
2008年6月13日 · As mentioned in the Type 95 thread, the Type 03 assault rifle appears to be in limited service with the People's Armed Police (PAP). Are there any more news about the …
PLA Small arms | Page 497 - Sino Defence Forum
2005年9月25日 · This is what the QBZ-03 should've been rather than the 80s-era setup that it has today (at least in the PLA/PAP). There seems to have been a QBZ-03 upgrade with similar …
QBZ-191 service rifle family - Sino Defence Forum
2019年3月29日 · The QBZ-95 was a rifle with a different configuration but otherwise similar lack of ergonomic and lack of modular features. We also had evidence of the QBZ-95 being widely …
QBZ-191 service rifle family | Page 10 | Sino Defence Forum
2019年3月29日 · The QBZ-03 was designed as a conventional counterpart to the QBZ-95, and it was obviously not intended for widespread service like the QBZ-95. Counting rifles trialled by …
QBZ-191 service rifle family | Page 357 | Sino Defence Forum
2019年3月29日 · Most people understand the implicit Self-explanatory if nothing is written. Who is your "most people"? He very occasionally posts useful images of novel systems, such as the …