Bx23 and Q50 buses - Wikipedia
The Bx23 constitutes a simplified version of the former QBx1 route between Pelham Bay Park and Co-op City, running either clockwise (1-2-3-4-5) or counterclockwise (5-4-3-2-1) before returning to Pelham Bay.
NASA - NSSDCA - Spacecraft - Details
2010年12月8日 · QBX1 was launched from Cape Canaveral on 08 December 2010 at 15:43 UT on a Falcon 9 rocket. It is a triple unit CubeSat nanosatellite for the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Colony-1 program. It will be used to test technologies in orbit.
QbX 1, 2 - Gunter's Space Page
2023年1月14日 · QbX (CubeSat Experiments) are nanosatellites in NRO's Colony-1 program to test technologies in orbit. NRO purchased 12 3-unit CubeSat busses with deployable solar panels and three-axis control from Pumpkin Inc.
QBX1 Satellite details 2010-066F NORAD 37249 - N2YO.com
2010年12月8日 · Technical details about the QBX1 (2010-066F or NORAD 37249) satellite. QBX1 can be selected for live tracking or to see the passes visible from your location, if applicable
QBX1 - Satellite information - ISS Tracker
2010年12月8日 · For the first two QbX satellites, flight software, antennas, and the TTC radio were built and integrated by the Naval Center for Space, as was the developmental communications payload. The payload consisted of an extendible antenna, a modem, and a radio.
QBx1 vs Q50 (Bronx - Queens service) - NYC Transit Forums
2010年9月17日 · Plus, the Q50 needs to go to Asch and Drieser Loop when the Bx23 stops running like all the otehr Limited buses do. This bus has got some serious flaws in it IMO. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.
初生牛犊不怕虎之小白也装ITX之骨伽QBX成就你的梦想 - 知乎
QBX的尺寸不大178*291*384(mm),表面则采用ABS塑胶材料,并辅以表面拉丝来提升质感,强度、美观、散热三者兼顾,的确是有用心的地方。 不过4KG的体重还是决定了它不适合被搬来搬去。 侧板采用0.5mm打孔金属板,如果你的显卡或者风扇带灯,那么多少是可以见到一些的,光污染是不可能光污染的,骨伽还是适合在一个不起眼的角落提供稳定的支持。 小身材,大空间,这张安装表可能会让你对此有深刻的认识, 支持Mini-ITX主板,电源安装在主板和机箱前面板之间的空 …
骨伽QBX装机及测试 - 什么值得买
2019年3月11日 · PS:此套主要玩单机游戏,1600 3.8的CPU主频对于单机游戏毫无压力,对散热器要求较低。 主板:微星450I GAMING PLUS AC供电规格:8 相 Hybrid Digita供电,6相CPU vCORE,2相CPU SOC。 IR 35201 PWM 控制晶片,PowlRStage 3555M MOSFET. PS:考虑1600的内存支持和稳定性此套超频3066 8G*2, 一代1600相较2600和2600X超频支持稍差,2600 2600X可超频3200-3600。 PS:机箱较小,使用M.2固态比较方便,1T蓝盘虽然不是NVME只 …
Goodbye Qbx1......Hello Bx23! - Bus Photos & Videos - NYC …
2010年9月12日 · My last QBx1 photos & some Bx23 photos... Q651 Now for some Bx23... Finishing off this post with a Orion V on the Q20B
QBx1 Local or Express? - New York City Bus - NYC Transit Forums
2009年8月14日 · QBx1 feel like express because it goes on Whitestone Expressway, and feel like limited version of Bx5. Q53 was non-stop express between 63rd Dr-Rego Park Station and Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, using main road (when it was non-stop).