UHV 可烘烤传感器 | INFICON
INFICON UHV 可烘烤晶体传感器拥有经实践检验的可靠性和耐用性,提供超越当前市场上的任何传感器头的最佳热稳定性。 可烘烤传感器由 304 号不锈钢、钼、铬镍铁合金、镍和氧化铝材 …
Kurt J. Lesker Company | Inficon QCM Sensors | Enabling …
Quartz crystal monitors are utilized to monitor or control film thickness during deposition. KJLC offers a variety of options, covering everything from simple monitoring of a single film to …
Quartz Crystal Microbalance | DCA Instruments Oy
The UHV Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) is designed to measure the film thickness or deposition rate from sources in the UHV process chamber. The in-vacuum QCM is comprised …
薄膜技术 | INFICON
INFICON ALD 传感器将石英晶体微天平(QCM)测量的可重复性、精确性和耐用性带入原子层沉积 (ALD)。 炫酷抽屉双传感器设计用于在真空室中需要第二晶体的关键过程。 炫酷抽屉单传 …
UHV Bakeable Sensor - INFICON
INFICON UHV Bakeable Crystal Sensors offer proven reliability and durability and have the best thermal stability of any sensor head on the market. Made from 304 Stainless Steel, …
Quartz Crystal Sensor Heads | Telemark
Telemark supplies robust single or dual quartz crystal (QCM) sensor heads. The dual crystal head includes a “shutter” for alternate use of crystals or the availability of a fresh crystal in the event …
AJA Orion ATC Series Electron Beam Evaporator
2024年4月26日 · This tool is a true UHV design equipped with dedicated heating jackets and internal heat lamps for an efficient bake-out process. A multi-crystal QCM protects against …
如何控制薄膜的厚度?UHV sputter e-beam evaporator PLD
1、为了控制薄膜溅射沉积期间的厚度,QCM是最广泛使用的原位厚度测量工具,因为它便宜且易于安装。 石英晶体(crystal)通常用于薄膜沉积过程中的厚度测量。
磁控溅射的特点是成膜速率高,基片温度低,膜的粘附性好,可实现大面积镀膜。 该技术可以分为直流磁控溅射法和射频磁控溅射法。 主要技术参数:
An integrated ultra-high vacuum apparatus for growth and
2020年8月11日 · A retractable quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) (Inficon STM-2) is used to calibrate the deposition rate of the evaporator sources before and after deposition on the …