Figures 8 and 9 show standard QFN pinouts for 14- and 20-pin QFN packages. These pinouts are accurate for most devices; however, some functions vary, especially in the 16-pin package.
Flat no-leads package - Wikipedia
QFN packages can have a single row of contacts or a double row of contacts. This package offers a variety of benefits including reduced lead inductance, a small sized "near chip scale" footprint, thin profile and low weight.
The Texas Instruments (TI) 56-pin QFN package, designated RGQ, is a JEDEC standard MO-220-compliant leadless package that has several advantages over traditional SOIC, TQFP, TSSOP, and TVSOP packaging.
Find all TI packages | Texas Instruments
Find the Quad Flat No Lead (QFN) package drawing and specifications such as pin count, pitch and dimension.
The Ultimate Guide to QFN Package - AnySilicon
QFN is a lead frame-based package which is also called CSP (Chip Scale Package) with the ability to view and contact leads after assembly. QFN packages typically use a copper lead frame for the die assembly and PCB interconnection. The QFN package can …
查找所有 TI 封装 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
QFN (Quad flat no lead) 封装没有外露引脚,封装尺寸较小。 它带有散热焊盘,可提供良好的散热性能。 通常适用于厚度较小、采用坚固的塑料封装的微型器件,这些器件可应用于包括汽车的所有终端设备。 两边引脚封装版本称为 SON。
QFN封装 - 百度百科
QFN(Quad Flat No-leads Package,方形扁平无引脚封装),表面贴装型封装之一。 QFN 是日本电子 机械工业 会规定的名称。 封装四侧配置有电极触点,由于无引脚,贴装占有 面积比 QFP 小,高度 比QFP 低。
2015年7月14日 · QFN and DFN packages are plastic encapsulated lead-frame-based packages, which are near Chip Scale Package (CSP) with a low profile (<1.0 mm). This pack-age type uses perimeter lands/pins on the bottom of the package to provide electrical contacts to the PCB.
This application note is intended for users who are familiar with PCB design, including signal integrity and thermal management implementation concepts. Successful implementation of QFN-style packages, including QFNs and DQFNs, requires special consideration for PCB Footprint design, PCB layout, and solder paste stencil design.
电子元器件知识04-QFN和QFP - 知乎专栏
QFN(Quad Flat No-lead)封装是一种四面平无引脚的封装方式,集成电路被封装在塑料芯片内,四面开有电子连接端,其主要特点是没有引脚。 特点: - 小尺寸,低高度,适用于高密度的电路板设计。 - 高热性能,由于引脚在封装内,热阻更低,更适用于高速/高频应用。 - 由于没有引脚,对于航天等应用更为稳定可靠。 应用场景: 主要应用在对尺寸、重量、功耗要求高等便携式产品中,包括笔记本电脑、手机、数码相机、便携式媒体播放器等。 焊盘设计: QFN焊盘设计 …