Yanmar 2QM15 - how long will they live? | SailNet Community
2010年8月3日 · RWC in an old boat can be a big issue. It really depends on how it was taken care of. like if the inlet water was shut off when the engine was not in use, prevents a rust line in the engine where the water level equalizes with the ocean.
Yanmar 2QM15 - SailNet Community
2011年3月6日 · Hi, Question about a 2QM15 that's for sale locally. Raw water cooled, 3500 hours on it , can be seen running and the guy's asking $600. I want to replace my inboard but my concern is availability of parts. Can a guy still get pistons, sleeves, valves , all the bits and pieces for these engines...
Yanmar 2QM15 Maintenance - SailNet Community
2009年5月18日 · SailNet is a forum community dedicated to Sailing enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about sailing, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, repairs, reviews, maintenance, and more!
Rebuild 2GM vs repower with 2YM15 or 2YM20 - SailNet Community
2008年2月26日 · SailNet is a forum community dedicated to Sailing enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about sailing, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, repairs, reviews, maintenance, and more!
2QM15 Yanmar - SailNet Community
2013年4月6日 · SailNet is a forum community dedicated to Sailing enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about sailing, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, repairs, reviews, maintenance, and more!
Yanmar 2GM or 2QM15...? - SailNet Community
2006年12月27日 · Hello, I have been trying to learn everything about my engine in the hopes to be able to perform all the maint work on it myself. Interesting: I purchased the service manual for the 2GM and 2QM15 engine. In the manual the pictures and the layout of the 2GM match my engine perfectly, but...
Yanmar 2QM15 raw water pump problem | SailNet Community
2008年7月23日 · Hi, I am new member and I have learned something good from SailNet member: put the starting key into the raw water intake valve.... yes if I can remember to put it there. My boat is 1980 Spencer 34 Sloop, flat bottom U shape hull and the engine is forward under the V berth,because of this the...
Yanmar low oil pressure | SailNet Community
2014年11月16日 · I have a Yanmar 2 QM15 with about 500Hr since it was rebuilt. The oil pressure is fine when I first start up 40 psi and its ok for about 2 hours running at 3000 rpm. The oil pressure starts to drop below 20 psi. The alarm goes off and I reduce the rpm to 2200 or less and the alarm stops and the pressure is low but it seems ok. Its around 18 psi.
Yanmar 2QM15 Cooling Maintenance - SailNet Community
2014年9月28日 · Just replaced the water pump on my 34' Peterson (Yanmar 2qm15 wth seawater cooling) All seems well but took her for a ride this morning and the Water Temp. Light came on after about 30 minutes at 2200 RPM. Had temp gun and the highest temp on the engine I could find was 138 degrees F. I will...
Yanmar 2QM15 - Changing the Fuel Filter | SailNet Community
2009年5月27日 · Fuel pump on the engine has manual level, to pump fuel up manually. It is hard to get to on Yanmar 2QM15. Fuel pump located under fuel filter, the filter’s input fuel line starts at fuel pump, it is small round shaped thingy.