qt - Access modelData within delegate in QML - Stack Overflow
2016年9月26日 · Is there a way to access modelData from View delegate (Repeater in particular). I tried to use a separate property and tried to access it via model.modelData but neither of this worked. Please see
QML - How to use QStringList as a model of ListView?
To elaborate on Francisco's answer: if the data of the model is subject to change while the program is running, it is indeed the cleanest solution to implement the QStringList as a Q_PROPERTY, because that will send signals to QML objects when the model data changes.
PyQt and QML - How can I create a custom data model
2010年11月29日 · import QtQuick 2.8 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtQuick.Controls 2.1 Window { id: root visible: true title: 'Actor Exploer' width: 1280 height: 720 ColumnLayout { id: mainLayout anchors.fill: parent Row { Layout.fillWidth: true TextArea { id: searchBar placeholderText: "Input actor name" Layout.fillWidth: true ...
Manipulate data in a QAbstractListModel from a QML ListView
I have a QML ListView which uses a QAbstractListModel subclass as a model. ListView { id: myListView x: 208 y: 19 width: 110 height: 160 delegate: myListDelegate {} model: MyListModel opacity: 0 } The model is a list of MyListItems.
qt - Two way binding C++ model in QML - Stack Overflow
2016年12月20日 · I'm trying to learn more about QtQuick and QML. My current goal is to understand how to bind data from a C++ model to my view. So far I've been able to setup the model in my QML and get data from the model but I can't figure out how to update my data. How do I setup two way binding for my C++ model? Below is the code I've written so far. message.h
How to create a generic object model for use in QML?
The last step to making the ultimate "jack of all trades" list/model object is to implement QQmlListProperty and Q_CLASSINFO("DefaultProperty", "container") for it, allowing you to both compose the list/model dynamically, or using QML's declarative syntax. Also note that with this solution, you can add to or remove from such a model, even ...
c++ - How to set model data from QML? - Stack Overflow
2015年8月6日 · Searching the internet I only found how to read data from model to display it in a delegate. There are also some examples of adding and removing rows, but I could not find how to change the data of specific model index. Something like: Slider { onValueChanged: myModel.setData(0, {amount: value}) } How can I modify data in a model from in QML?
How to implement QML ListModel like get method for an ...
2014年3月28日 · Btw the model property inside the delegate is of type QQmlDMAbstractItemModelData, so there is some "Qt magic" happening in the background, looks like some wrapper around the list model data, still I could not find anything official in the Qt documentation about that (I figured that out by myself with the QML debugger and stuff).
qt - Use the size of a model in QML - Stack Overflow
2016年8月2日 · In your case, the model is a plain old JavaScript array, so you'd use model.length. Every other Qt type related to models or views has a count property: ListModel , Repeater , ListView , etc. So, you could also use rep.count , in your case.
QML ListView using QList<QObject*> as a model - Stack Overflow
The model provides the set of data that is used to create the items in the view. Models can be created directly in QML using ListModel, XmlListModel or VisualItemModel, or provided by C++ model classes. If a C++ model class is used, it must be …