约 4 个结果

ASTM A240 vs QQ-S-763 - Metal and Metallurgy engineering
2011年4月27日 · Stainless steel 316/316L with related specs, ASTM A240, and AMS-QQ-S-763 which is ASTM A240 for sheet ...
QQ-S-763C - Material engineering general discussion | Eng-Tips
2015年10月21日 · To my best knowledge QQ-S-763 doesn't list 303 which is a free cutting version of 302. 303 is covered by ...
Stee, AMS-QQ-S-763, CLASS 316L - Steel and Stainless engineering
2016年1月28日 · Stee, AMS-QQ-S-763, CLASS 316L Thread starter stokesmetal; Start date Jan 28, 2016; Status
Stainless Steel Grades & Quality - 316L - ASTM - Eng-Tips
2009年5月14日 · To my Metallurgical Expert friends: 1. Is there anything draw-back to specifying austenitic stainless steel simply as SS 316L, and not referencing specific ASTM specifications (such as A666 or A240 or A312 or A276) for the different components (plate, tube, shapes...)? Or is it more appropriate...