Vintage Radio Electronics: QRM-180
2018年10月30日 · You should run coax from the back of the QRM-180 to the noise antenna, but pretty much anything will work. RG-59, RG-174, or whatever, it doesn’t need or want to be 50ohm. Try a short dipole (I have one in the attic), or rain gutter, or a fence,... you never know what will resonate with your particular noise problem.
nect interfaces, TRU-SQS ®, TRU-QRM™, and TRU-QDS , provide highly efficient and repeatable high power solutions without the need for added hand tools to securely mate. In addition to the broad range of standard configurations in this series, Winchester Interconnect can also provide custom design solu-tions for your challenging applications.
A Wide Bandwidth Active Loop Receiving Antenna. - qsl.net
The signal is fed back to the shack via 20 Metres of RG58 A/U coax. The same coax provides a +12 Volts DC supply from the shack to power the loop amplifier.
Local QRM/noise reduction - pa0sim.nl
In summary the most convincing actions for local QRM reduction are: QRM minimising: perfect balancing and maximum distance to noise sources; one QRM source: nulling or noise cancelling; more than one QRM sources: combination of nulling, noise …
Coax T-stuk Test 2: is the X-Phase working correctly? • Connect the main antenna to BOTH the main antenna input and the Auxiliary antenna input via a coaxial T-adaptor. • Switch on the power supply • Try to minimize the incoming signals by adjusting the three potmeters • If everything is OK, all signals will almost disappear
Grounding and Receiver Noise | KV5R.COM
1995年2月16日 · Coax has two key properties: 1. The voltage between the inner conductor and the shield depends only on the state of the electromagnetic field within the shield. 2. The shield prevents the external electromagnetic field from influencing the internal electromagnetic field (but watch out at the ends of the cable!). So, it’s easy, right?
Getting rid of QRM with diversity receive mode - PA9X
2023年4月18日 · How to use the diversity receive mode with the SDRPlay RSPduo and two antennas to eliminate man made noise (QRM).
HF/VHF Station QRM Kill Kit – QRM.GURU
2020年1月23日 · This kit will help you reduce QRM from your transmitter, as well as reducing or even eliminating local QRM affecting your receiver. These will be particularly effective is you are suffering common-mode noise, where interference enters your radio via the coax shielding.
QRM Eliminator - RadioSmart
QRM ELIMINATOR / NOISE CANCELLING UNIT. The QRM canceller is inserted into the feeder of the antenna from the trx without any other modifications to the radio. The box has a built-in PTT control to keep the canceller connected during transmission.
The simple Coax Loop works | RadioReference.com Forums
2009年2月14日 · I think there was a thread, somewhere on here, about making a simple loop antenna from coaxial cable. I'd been plagued by harsh QRM and electrical buzz at night time, which hampered LW/MW Dx during these hours. My homemade loops had been made out of standard insulated electrical wire.