TQSL Download - ARRL
The latest version of TQSL (version 2.7.5) can be downloaded here. TQSL is available for MS Windows (PC), Mac OS (Apple) and Linux operating systems. You do not have uninstall older …
Ham Radio Q-Codes - qsl.net
Presented in the table below are some common Q-Codes used by radio amateurs. These codes were found on the inside cover of a 1965 ARRL Amateur Radio Station Log Book. Q Codes …
On all three supported platforms (Windows, MacOS, and Linux), installing TQSL 2.7.5 will replace older versions of Trusted QSL while preserving your Callsign Certificates, Station Locations, …
installation — Logbook of the World (LoTW) Help Pages
The current version of TQSL is 2.7.2. If you have TQSL version 1.1.3 or earlier installed on your computer, you should uninstall it first; if you have TQSL version 1.1.4 or later, installing the …
Daytime Region 7 Traffic Net (DRN7) - qsl.net
Welcome to the World of Ham Radio Relay! As a part of the Western Relay Network (WRN), the DRN7 is a group of Amateur (Ham) Radio stations scattered throughout the 7th Region, …
Install TrustedQSL on Linux - Flathub
2024年11月17日 · This is the TrustedQSL project, which provides tools for digitally signing Amateur Radio QSO records. This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many …
z-什么叫QSO、QSL、什么叫倒频、抄收、59、73 - 汽车之家
2009年8月25日 · qso、qsl还有qsy、qrt、qrp等都是常用q简,业余无线电通讯爱好都应该熟练撑握! qso:直接通联 qsl:抄收(在通讯中已听明白了对方的内容,可以解释为收到、听到,此外 …
CÓDIGO Q - qsl.net
7 - Sétimo: QRK : Inteligibilidade dos sinais ( 1 a 5 ) 8 - Oitavo: QRL: Estou ocupado não interfira: 9 - Nono: QRM: Interferência de outra estação: 0 - Negativo: QRN: Interferência estática ou …
Incoming QSL Bureau Within the US, the ARRL DX QSL Bureau System is made up of 15 call-area bureaus that act as central clearing houses for QSL cards arriving from foreign entities. …
QSL card - Wikipedia
A QSL card is a written confirmation of either a two-way radiocommunication between two amateur radio or citizens band stations; a one-way reception of a signal from an AM radio, FM …