QSplitter size [SOLVED] - Qt Forum
2015年5月5日 · I want to resize the QSplitter to a default position and set the minimum width/height of each one. The original: The wanted: The code: auto hsplitter = new...
QSplitter - change grab region size or add a custom knob
2019年10月29日 · Find some way to make the hit testing that is being done internally by QT so that the QSplitter bar has a much wider width when testing for a hit than its actual width. I think QT is doing this, already, but I would like to make the "slop" distance even larger if the screen is very high density or if I know it is a touch screen (fat fingers).
Adding a Toolbar to children widget of a QSplitter | Qt Forum
2011年2月5日 · :QSplitter (Qt::Vertical, parent), m_updating(false) {alchemediaViewport* const topVp = new alchemediaViewport(this); alchemediaViewport* const lowVp = new alchemediaViewport(this); addWidget(topVp); addWidget(lowVp);}@ alchemediaViewport is the class that creates the viewport that must has the QGLwidget and its own local toolbar.
How to implement collapsible sidebar with QSplitter that can be …
2023年3月23日 · I am trying to implement a type of collapsible sidebar with a QSplitter and a QButton that collapses/expands the sidebar (the leftmost widget in my QSplitter. However, I am having problem to make the "sidebar" collapse to the width of the button for collapse/expand.
[Solved]How to enable Layouts in splitter Horizontally or ... - Qt …
2014年6月5日 · Ahh, I see in the new designer they added the QSplitter in the layouts. << Let's check it>> Ah, First do a 'break layout" on your top level widget/layout. Then you are able to select the widgets you need and select the hor/ver splitter
Quad Splitter Implementation in QT
2019年10月4日 · I want to implement Quad splitter in QT. Which means I have 2 horizontal splitter and 1 vertical splitter. And when I click at the center, I should be able t...
How to resize QSplitter automatically according to QWidget
2016年9月12日 · QWidget *wid = new QWidget; QSplitter *hSplitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Horizontal, wid); QHBoxLayout* widLay=new QHBoxLayout(wid); hSplitter->addWidget(hSplitter); // all the rest Btw, make sure you are not leaking memory in wid , give it a parent or handle the delete
Problem with QSplitter - won't resize widgets? [Fixed] - Qt Forum
2011年10月27日 · Furthermore, it would be nice to see the code with QSplitter, too.[/quote] Here's the code to setup the splitter: @QSplitter* tableSplitter = new QSplitter();@ And here's the code where I place widgets in the splitter: @ // Assemble the splitter. tableSplitter->addWidget(leftWidget); tableSplitter->addWidget(EditWidget);@
Initial Position QSplitter - Qt Forum
2016年8月28日 · I would like to set the initial position of a vertical QSplitter such that each of the two containing widgets get 50% of the available height. How can I achieve this with QSplitter::setSizes? I have tried the following, but it does not always give the same result (i.e., when one of the containing widgets is of a different class).
QScrollArea and Splitter - Qt Forum
2020年3月17日 · HI, I'm running into an issue integrating widgets, QSrollArea, and QSplitter in the main window. Using QTCreator I added a whole bunch of widgets. The widg...