Qdos metering pumps | Products - WMFTS
Delivering flow rates that remain constant right up to 9 bar Qdos peristaltic chemical metering and dosing pumps give users a unique advantage over diaphragm metering pumps. Qdos pumps offer long maintenance intervals - reducing the impact of process downtime and lowering the overall cost of ownership.
Qdos pumps | WMFTS US
There are six pumps in the Qdos range—20, 30, 60, 120, CWT and H-FLO—to meet your chemical metering and dosing requirements. The Qdos range is suitable for a wide range of chemicals. Flexible and robust hoses designed for simple, safer and secure connection of a Qdos pump into an existing process line.
Qdos 60 - Metering Peristaltic Pump - Santoprene - EGM LLC
Qdos 60 Universal+ pump 60l/hr 7bar, 100 PSI ReNu pumphead to the right (1) (2) Qdos 20, 30, 60, 120 User Manual. * Input and output signal cables sold separately. ** Pump includes a set of polypropylene compression fittings (0M9.221H.P01) ****WE DO NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO SELL TO ANYONE IN THE MUNICIPAL MARKET OR CANADA.
Qdos 60 Qdos 计量泵 特点和优势 通过高精度的计量节省化学品成本 简单的嵌入式安装,无需辅助设备 免工具维护,维护成本低 拥有成本小于隔膜泵 流量为 0.1 至 2,000 ml/min,压力最大为 7 bar 无背压阀、脉冲阻尼器、排气阀、底阀、过滤器或浮子开关 Qdos 60 性能
Watson-Marlow推出新型Qdos 60 PU 蠕动泵-中国通用机械工业协会
2023年3月15日 · 新型Qdos 60 PU 泵. Qdos 60 PU 在高达 60 l/h 的线性流速和高达 5 bar 的压力下为许多难以处理的流体(包括粘性流体和脂肪烃)提供精确且可重复的流量。该泵对聚丙烯酰胺 (PAM) 等复杂聚合物和其他用于废水处理的絮凝剂和混凝剂具有出色的兼容性。
Qdos 60 Universal and Universal+ pumps with ReNu pumphead
Item Number: Qdos-60-XX • Flow rates 0.1-1000 ml/min at 100psi (7bar) RMS pressure • ReNu pumphead provides accurate, linear and repeatable low pulse flow under varying process conditions
Qdos 60 Universal and Universal+ pumps with ReNu pumphead PERFORMANCE • Flow rates 0.01-1000 ml/min at 100psi (7bar) RMS pressure • ReNu pumphead provides accurate, linear and repeatable low pulse flow under varying process conditions • Process uptime is maximised with no gas-locking, no valve blocking and rapid no-tools pumphead replacement
Qdos metering pumps | Products | WMFTS
Delivering flow rates that remain constant right up to 9 bar Qdos peristaltic chemical metering and dosing pumps give users a unique advantage over diaphragm metering pumps. Qdos pumps offer long maintenance intervals - reducing the impact of process downtime and lowering the overall cost of ownership.
Qdos 30, 60 and 120 Universal and Universal+ pumps with ReNu Pump Head FEATURES AND BENEFITS Watson-Marlow Pumps • Drop in replacement & more accurate than diaphragm pumps • Flow rates 0.001 GPH to 31.70 GPH at 100psi RMS pressure • Pump turndown of 7930:1 with ± 0.5% accuracy
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Qdos 60 - WMFTS
Qdos 60 Qdos metering pump Features and benefits Cut chemical cost through higher accuracy metering Simple drop-in installation eliminates ancillary equipment Reduced maintenance with single, no-tools, component replacement Cost of ownership is less than that of a diaphragm pump Flow rates from 0.1 to 1000 ml/min at up to 7 bar