How to answer Qe7 on the Vienna gambit - Chess Forums
2021年10月5日 · I'm a regular Vienna Gambit player, and win a lot of games against 4...Qe7, but I've always thought it necessary to play 6.Nf3. Looking at your line, I wondered what to do after 6.d4 Qh4+ but had a look with an engine, and I see that 7.Qf7 is strong, forcing the exchange of queens and leaving White with a dominant position.
Englund Gambit Qe7 and Nge7 lines - Chess Gambits- Harking …
Both offer Black practical chances and have the merit of leading to highly unusual positions in many variations, but 3...Qe7 has a serious theoretical flaw and 3...Nge7, though probably Black's objectively best bet following 1.d4 e5, should concede a larger-than-normal advantage for White out of the opening.
Englund Gambit Full Guide | 365Chess
Named after the Swedish chess player Fritz Carl Anton Englund, this opening seeks to disrupt traditional play, offering a fresh and aggressive approach to the game. In sacrificing a pawn, Black aims for faster development, seizing the initiative early on, and creating dynamic play that can unsettle the opponent.
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...e5/2. Bc4/2...Qe7 - Wikibooks
2023年10月21日 · 2…Qe7? is another queen move without a variation name, and it contradicts the most basic principles in the opening because the Queen in e7 rules out playing Be7. The move 2... Qe7? is a waste of time that congests the Black's position and allows White to get development space.
Qe2+ or Qe7+ - Chess Forums - Chess.com
2012年5月27日 · Qe7 Be3) and queenside castle for white, rarely is something like this good, one of the few cases where its okay. I wish you could have at least put turn numbers. I see that in this example white doesn't rush for the queen exchange. Just to give you a bit of an idea of the setup.
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...e5/2. Nf3/2...Qe7 - Wikibooks
Moves: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Qe7. Also known as the Brazilian Defense or the Câmara Defense. This move attempts to defend Black's e-pawn, but in doing so it shuts the king's bishop in. 2... Qe7. The idea for Black is to transpose into a King's Indian Defence [source needed], but with forceful play this option is not entirely possible.
How is Qe7 a better move - Chess Forums
2017年12月20日 · There is nothing wrong with Nf6, but Qe7! is far better, preventing Ne2 to move (pinned). White is facing problems to castle, for example : Final position is resignable for white.
Qe7? - lichess.org
A chess study by Enlightenmania2022. Accessibility: Enable blind mode. lichess.org. Play lichess.org. Create a game Arena tournaments Swiss tournaments Simultaneous exhibitions. Puzzles. Puzzles Puzzle Themes Puzzle Dashboard Puzzle Streak Puzzle Storm Puzzle Racer. Learn. Chess basics Practice Coordinates Study Coaches.
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...e5/2. Nf3/2...Nf6/3. Nxe5
2024年6月23日 · Qe7 is the best move after which Black will likely win back the pawn, but White retains a stable advantage larger than the main line. 3...d6 is the main line. 3...Nc6 the Stafford Gambit
Fried liver attack - what to do if black plays Qe7? : r/chess - Reddit
2021年3月8日 · Whenever I'm playing the fried liver attack I sometimes get the move Qe7 after I play Kg5, and I don't know what to do. I just proceed normally, playing Kxf7, but then black moves their rook to g8. What I do from there is Kd6+, and then after they take with the pawn or queen I …