X.QIN - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
X Qin, A Petrusel, JC Yao. Nonlinar Convex Anal 19, 251-264, 2018. 90: 2018: Projection splitting algorithms for nonself operators. X Qin, JC Yao. J. Nonlinear Convex Anal 18 (5), 925-935, 2017. 88: 2017: On the strong convergence of an iterative process for asymptotically strict pseudocontractions and equilibrium problems.
Xin Qin - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous … Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and … 2019 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence &...
秦杏(QIN Xing) - 上海对外经贸大学
Two-level Bayesian interaction analysis for survival data incorporating pathway information. Biometrics, 79(3), 1761-1774.Qin, X., Ma, S., Wu, M.* (2021). Gene-gene interaction analysis...
X. Qin - Semantic Scholar
2018年12月25日 · Semantic Scholar profile for X. Qin, with 16 highly influential citations and 69 scientific research papers.
秦昕 | 中山大学管理学院 - Sun Yat-sen University
在北京大学光华管理学院获得管理学博士学位,亦是哈佛大学商学院中美富布赖特(Fulbright)联合培养博士生。 担任中山大学经济与管理学部学术委员会委员、学部教学指导委员会副主任委员、中山大学人力资源管理处副处长(2021-2023)等。 入选国家重大人才工程等。 研究兴趣包括领导、伦理、交叉学科研究(AI&社会科学)等,正着力开展系列前沿交叉学科研究。
组员介绍 - 深圳理工大学药学院殷勤课题组 - X-MOL科学 ...
目前研究方向主要聚焦于有机合成化学及其在药物制备以及新药发现中的应用。 迄今为止发表一作和通讯文章30余 篇,包括Chem. Soc. Rev. ,JACS , Angew,ACS Catal., Chem. Sci. 等。 目前主持国家自然科学基金面上项目等多项基金。
Xin Qin at California State University Long Beach - Rate My …
Xin Qin is a professor in the Computer Science department at California State University Long Beach - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
QIN X (@qinxindia) • Instagram photos and videos
313 Followers, 5 Following, 75 Posts - QIN X (@qinxindia) on Instagram: "🔹A Knowledge Sharing Platform 🔹☝️Place♾️Opporunity 🔹A Premier Platform for Inquisitive Minds to Question Investigate and Network @qinxforensic"
QIN X One (Beta) - Google Sites
Current affairs | QIN X India. Guest Lecture | QIN X Forensic. Discover your passion | QIN X One. Looking for an opportunity to grow in Forensic Science? Find the ONE for you. For queries [email protected]. 30 + Core Members. 50+ Volunteers. 2000 + Followers. Caring People. We like to help people and communities.
The People v. Qin X | SpringerLink
2022年5月18日 · The Supreme People’s Court holds that the conduct that the accused Qin X has raped and molested young girls under the age of 14 constitutes a commission of crime of rape and child molestation, which should be concurrently punished for a combination of several crimes in accordance with law; the conduct by the accused Qin X, who made use of his ...