Qingzhou - Wikipedia
Qingzhou (Chinese: 青州; pinyin: Qīngzhōu) Wade–Giles: Tsing-chou, sometimes written as Ching-chow-fu, formerly Yidu County (Yitu) (益都县), is a county-level city, which is located in the west of the prefecture-level city of Weifang, in the central part of Shandong Province, China. Qingzhou is a dynamic industry city, and also grows a ...
Qingzhou (ancient China) - Wikipedia
Qingzhou or Qing Province was one of the Nine Provinces of ancient China dating back to c. 2070 BCE that later became one of the thirteen provinces of the Han dynasty (206 BCE–220 CE). The Nine Provinces were first described in the Tribute of Yu chapter of the classic Book of Documents, with Qingzhou lying to the east of Yuzhou and north of ...
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青州市 - 百度百科
青州市,山东省 潍坊市 下辖的县级市,地处山东半岛中部。 [66] 东临 昌乐,西靠 淄川 、 临淄 两区,南接 临朐,北与 广饶 接壤,东北 寿光 毗连 [30-31]。 截至2024年5月,青州市总面积1561平方公里,下辖4个街道、8个镇。 [30] 2023年末,青州市常住人口96.4万人 [26]。 青州市地方方言为胶辽官话 [40]。 青州市属于暖温带半湿润季风气候 [31],地处鲁中山区沂山山脉北麓和鲁北平原洽接地带 [31]。 作为中国 古九州 之一,青州在七千年的人类文化发展过程中留下了 北辛文化 …
青州,是《尚书·禹贡》中所记载的 古九州 之一,” 海岱 惟青州“,大体指起自渤海以南、 泰山 以北,涉及河北、 山东半岛 的一片区域,地为肥沃白壤。 青州之名,始见于《尚书·禹贡》:“ 海岱 惟青州”,为古“九州”之一。 东方主春、主木,故而曰青。 青州,起自渤海以南、 泰山 以北,涉及河北、 山东半岛,地为肥沃白壤。 《尔雅·释地》曰:“两河间曰 冀州,河南曰 豫州,河西曰雝州, 汉南 曰 荆州,江南曰 扬州,济河间曰 兖州,济东曰 徐州,燕曰 幽州,齐曰营州:九州。 …
Qingzhou – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Qingzhou (青州, Qīngzhōu) is a city in Shandong Province in Eastern China. In China, this city is mostly famous for being surrounded by beautiful (and typically "Chinese-looking") mountains, including Tou Shan (Camel Mountain) and Yunmen Shan (Cloud Gate Mountain), which includes an ancient collection of Buddhist grottoes under national ...
青州古城 - 百度百科
青州古城(The ancient city of Qingzhou),位于山东省潍坊市青州市范公亭西路与偶园街交叉口,城建历史2200多年,是一座具有鲜明地域特色的明清建筑风格的古城。
Qingzhou Ancient City
The Qingzhou Ancient City Tourist Area is a national AAAAA level scenic area, covering three sub scenic areas: Qingzhou Ancient City, Yunmen Mountain, and Qingzhou Museum. The ancient city of Qingzhou has a long history, with a construction history of over 2200 years.
青州古城旅游区 - qingzhou.gov.cn
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