Quantum Intermediate Representation - Azure Quantum
2024年9月16日 · Quantum Intermediate Representation (QIR)是中间表示形式,充当量子编程语言/框架与目标量子计算平台之间的通用接口。 QIR 指定一组规则,用于在 LLVM IR 中使用与语言和硬件无关的格式来表示量子程序。 QIR 是由 QIR 联盟开发的一个项目,Microsoft 是其成员之 …
Microsoft Quantum | QIR
QIR acts as a universal mid-layer quantum representation that enables communication between high-level languages and SDKs, such as Q# and Qiskit, and quantum machines. It is hardware-agnostic and does not specify a quantum instruction or gate set, leaving that to the target computing environment.
Quantum Intermediate Representation - Azure Quantum
2025年2月14日 · Quantum Intermediate Representation (QIR) is an intermediate representation which serves as a common interface between quantum programming languages/frameworks and targeted quantum computation platforms. QIR specifies a set of rules for representing quantum programs using a language and hardware agnostic format within the LLVM IR.
Towards Supporting QIR: Thoughts on Adopting the Quantum …
2024年11月27日 · One of those intermediate representations is the Quantum Intermediate Representation (QIR), proposed by Microsoft. In this article, we provide food for thought on how QIR can be adopted in different software tools. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various approaches and outline related challenges.
Microsoft Quantum | Introducing Quantum Intermediate Representation (QIR)
QIR is a new Microsoft-developed intermediate representation for quantum programs. It is based on the popular open-source LLVM intermediate language. QIR specifies a set of rules for representing quantum constructs in LLVM. It does not require any …
GitHub - qir-alliance/qir-spec: QIR specification defining how to ...
The QIR specification is an effort of the QIR Alliance. It defines how to represent quantum programs within the LLVM IR. For more information about this project, please see Scope.md. …
[2404.14299] A Cross-Platform Execution Engine for the Quantum ...
2024年4月22日 · Here, we describe and demonstrate the QIR Execution Engine (QIR-EE) for parsing, interpreting, and executing QIR across multiple hardware platforms. QIR-EE uses LLVM to execute hybrid instructions specifying quantum programs and, by design, presents extension points that support customized runtime and hardware environments.
NetQIR: An Extension of QIR for Distributed Quantum Computing
2024年8月7日 · This paper presents NetQIR, an extension of Microsoft's Quantum Intermediate Representation (QIR), specifically designed to facilitate DQC by incorporating new instruction specifications. NetQIR was developed in response to the lack of abstraction at the network and hardware layers identified in the existing literature as a significant obstacle ...
Quantum Intermediate Representation - Azure Quantum
2024年9月16日 · Quantum Intermediate Representation (QIR) 是中繼表示法,可作為量子程式設計語言/架構與目標量子計算平臺之間的通用介面。 QIR 會指定一組規則,以在 LLVM IR 中使用語言和硬體無從驗證格式來代表量子程式。 QIR是 QIR 聯盟開發的一個專案,Microsoft是其成員之 …
QIR Alliance - GitHub
The QIR Alliance is a joint effort to develop a forward-looking quantum intermediate representation with the goal to enable full interoperability within the quantum ecosystem and reduce development effort from all parties.