The Quincy Library Group
QLG Act (7/5/07) Recognition & Awards. Perspectives on the QLG. Agreements. Chronology. Accomplishments/Actions. Sierra Nevada Framework. Monitoring. Miscellaneous Documents. Photographs. Links. Archive. California Spotted Owl, Songbird, and Small Mammal Responses ...
Quincy Library Group -- An Overview - qlg.org
The QLG Community Stability Proposal. The QLG Community Stability Proposal, adopted in July 1993, is the fundamental QLG agreement. It attempts to reflect the fact that a healthy forest and a stable community are interdependent; we cannot have one without the other.
The Quincy Library Group Members - qlg.org
QLG is unique in that we have zeroed in on ways to turn things around and use government, business and community resources to constructively improve the management of our forests. I see this as a positive opportunity to make things better …
Quincy Library Group Background - qlg.org
QLG actively supports efforts to obtain the participation of southern California water users in improved watershed maintenance, which is necessary to assure the quantity, quality, and seasonal timing of long-term water supply from the Feather River system.
Fuel Break Strategy White Paper - m.qlg.org
What the QLG Strategy IS: Since 1994 QLG has pushed for "a network of defensible fuelbreaks" as the first stage of a comprehensive strategy to improve our protection from large-scale high-intensity wildfire. These fuelbreaks would not be instead of general area thinning, but rather the conduct of early thinning efforts in a strategic pattern.
QLG Appeal of the SNFPA Decision -- Spotted Owls
QLG Appeal of the SNFPA Decision page 26 This comparison paraphrases the CASPO Report’s "Evaluation of an HCA Strategy for the California Spotted Owl," Chapter 1, pages 18 and 19.
Additions- What's New - qlg.org
Perspectives and opinions expressed by NEPA activists, QLG members and others related to the Meadow Valley project on the Mt. Hough Ranger District of the Plumas National Forest (2/18/05)
Quincy Library Group: - qlg.org
Presentation developed new personal computer based programs available to the public and USFS (shareware) for defining and visually displaying the long term (180 year) effect of forest thinnings contemplated in the QLG Act on forest stand structure.
CHRONOLOGY - qlg.org
June 8, 1995 QLG comments on the California Spotted Owl Draft Environmental Impact Statement distributed to 75 people and a summary sent to over 200 interested individuals. July 1995 Techical Fuels Report presenting concept and terminology for a …
QLG Appeal of Final Environmental Impact Statement
The QLG appeal is of the Record of Decision (ROD) based on the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) specified in the Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery Act and signed August 20, 1999 by Jeff Withroe for Kathryn J. Silverman, Acting Forest Supervisor, Lassen National Forest; by Mark Madrid, Forest Supervisor, Plumas ...