[1804.00466] Quantum no-scale regimes and moduli dynamics
2018年4月2日 · We analyze quantum no-scale regimes (QNSR) in perturbative heterotic string compactified on tori, with total spontaneous breaking of supersymmetry. We show that for …
Quantum No-Scale Regimes and String Moduli - MDPI
1997年4月11日 · Finally, in QNSR, no gauge instability takes place, regardless of the details of the potential. We review that in no-scale models in perturbative string theory, flat, …
Quebec North Shore and Labrador Railway - Wikipedia
The Quebec North Shore and Labrador Railway is a private Canadian regional railway that stretches 414 kilometres (257 mi) through the wilderness of northeastern Quebec and western …
We analyze quantum no-scale regimes (QNSR) in perturbative heterotic stringcompactifiedontori,withtotalspontaneousbreakingofsupersymmetry.
Quaternary Science Reviews | Journal - ScienceDirect
Quaternary Science Advances (QSA) is an international and fully Open Access journal supporting the rapid publication of peer-reviewed original research articles, short communications and …
Quantum No-Scale Regimes and String Moduli - ResearchGate
2018年11月10日 · We review that in no-scale models in perturbative string theory, flat, homogeneous and isotropic cosmological evolutions found at the quantum level can enter into …
Quantum no-scale regimes and moduli dynamics - ResearchGate
2018年4月2日 · We analyze quantum no-scale regimes (QNSR) in perturbative heterotic string compactified on tori, with total spontaneous breaking of supersymmetry. We show that for …
Quantum no-scale regimes and moduli dynamics - ScienceDirect
2018年8月1日 · We analyze quantum no-scale regimes (QNSR) in perturbative heterotic string compactified on tori, with total spontaneous breaking of supersymmetry. We show that for …
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Quantum no-scale regimes and moduli dynamics - INSPIRE
2018年4月2日 · We analyze quantum no-scale regimes (QNSR) in perturbative heterotic string compactified on tori, with total spontaneous breaking of supersymmetry. We show that for …