Quarter-Quarter Latilongs (QQLL) are a further subdivision of quarter latilongs. Although QQLLs are too detailed for presentation in this publication, records in the MBD database include a QQLL designation if the original report has detailed location information allowing this to be determined.
Birding Hotspots | Montana Audubon
Detailed individual maps of each QQLL are available. From a map of the state of Montana, this interactive map lets you select any QQLL map you want. You can look at maps on your computer or print them to take into the field.
Montana Bird Distribution QQLL Reference Map Download
Using the QQLL Reference Map Download (upper right) or shortcuts in the table of contents (left) as a starting point you can download 8-1/2" x 11" PDF maps of specific QQLLs, popular birding destinations, and large cities in Montana as well as regional QQLL reference maps.
• If you are willing to adopt a quarter -quarter latilong (QQLL), you can use the simpler Bird Observation Record Sheet (Excel spreadsheet) from MT Audubon website (file name: MT_Bird_Dist_Record_Sheet_Simple_2009.xls). Use this spreadsheet to …
Montana Bird Distribution Quarter-Quarter Lat Long Map Download
Montana Bird Distribution QQLL Reference Map Download. Click on a Lat/Long block below to see quarter-quarter tiles OR click here to jump to maps of popular birding sites in Montana.
- [PDF]
QQLL - 13A1
QQLL - 1 0.5 0 1 Datum = WGS 1984 Miles 13A1 MT BLM NPS USFWS USFS Tribal QQLL Boundary Private. Created Date: 20090618142948-07 ...
qqLL. minimovie - YouTube
About Press Press
7UDW: Designed pentameric proton channel QQLL - RCSB PDB
2022年3月20日 · Designed pentameric proton channel QQLL. PDB DOI: https://doi.org/10.2210/pdb7UDW/pdb; Classification: MEMBRANE PROTEIN; Organism(s): synthetic construct; Mutation(s): No ; Deposited: 2022-03-20 Released: 2022-04-06 ; Deposition Author(s): Kratochvil, H.T., Thomaston, J.L., Mravic, M., Nicoludis, J., Liu, L., DeGrado, W.F.