Qredits Microfinanciering Nederland | StMaarten.qredits.com
Qredits offers entrepreneurs the opportunity to apply for funds to help meet the expenses of their company or its recovery. Funds will consist of part subsidy and part loan amount from the SXM Aid Program for the reconstruction of Sint Maarten after hurricane Irma and the corona crisis.
Services | StMaarten.qredits.com
Qredits helps entrepreneurs with a commercial loan, personal coaching and tools. Discover below which possibilities we may have for you. A Microcredit is a business loan of up to $25.000 for new and existing entrepreneurs in Small and Medium Size …
Entrepreneurship starts with Qredits
Qredits loan products range from a low microcredit loans to larger subordinate loans with flexible credit as a nice alterative. Up to € 50,000. In the Netherlands microcredit is considered any loan under €50,000. From € 50,000 - € 250,000. SME-loans are for …
Qredits St. Maarten - St. Eustatius - Saba | Philipsburg Sint Maarten
Qredits St. Maarten - St. Eustatius - Saba, Philipsburg, Sint Maarten. 1,735 likes · 10 talking about this · 11 were here. Qredits assist entrepreneurs with microcredit up to $50,000, personal...
Qredits Microfinance St. Maarten • St. Eustatius • Saba - Instagram
467 Followers, 134 Following, 210 Posts - Qredits Microfinance St. Maarten • St. Eustatius • Saba (@qredits.sxm) on Instagram: "Qredits offers Micro Loans of up to $50.000 for start-ups and existing businesses. We also provide: • Trainings • Coaching • Business development "
Entrepreneurship starts with
Provide the documents as complete as possible so that the Qredits advisor can start working on your application more quickly. If you have any questions or comments, please ask them here. …
Qredits is offering 2% microloans to new and existing ... - SXM Talks
2018年2月15日 · PHILIPSBURG:— Qredits is now providing microloans to entrepreneurs on St. Maarten, Saba and St. Eustatius, with an interest rate of only 2%. The Qredits office, located in Miss Lalie Commercial Center, is ready to assists entrepreneurs with microloans up to $25.000, personal mentoring and business development tools.
Qredits Microfinanciering Nederland | StMaarten.qredits.com
Een Qredits-coach kan je hier mee helpen! Bij Qredits kunnen ondernemers een aanvraag indienen als tegemoetkoming in de kosten van je onderneming en voor het herstel ervan. Dit is deels een subsidie, deels een lening vanuit het SXM Hulpprogramma ten behoeve van de wederopbouw van Sint-Maarten na orkaan Irma en de coronacrisis.
Application - StMaarten.qredits.com
With Qredits you may apply online for a business loan for a starting or existing enterprise up to a sum of Afl. 50.000. After you have filled out the application form, we will ask you to upload a set of documents. Sending of the documents is an essential part of the application procedure.
Who is Qredits? | StMaarten.qredits.com
Qredits provides Microcredit & Mentoring to (starting) entrepreneurs with small and medium-sized businesses in St. Maarten, Saba and St. Eustatius who have no access to a number of (financial) services through the regular circuit, so they can obtain economic, financial and …