QTO and Corridors - Calculating Volumes - Autodesk Community
2015年6月17日 · QTO looks at a units xml file to determine how each unit is applied irrespective of any calculation that one can apply via a formula file. The units xml file can be modified/ appended with any units desired and a Factor can be added to apply.
QTO Help - Setting up QTOUnits.xml, QTO Items list, and …
2015年5月13日 · QTO Manager would always and only report the length of the polyline as one unit no matter how long the pline really was. If I drew two plines I got two units. This is the problem others have had if the pay item file unit of measurement is not correct-- QTO Manager can't figure out the unit of measure so it just counts the entities and reports ...
Solved: QTO Report Output - Autodesk Community
2018年2月28日 · For example, the attached dwg and QTO Pay Item list, I have 3 QTO items. A polyline representing a flow line, two 18" pipe lengths, and a simple square area. Each are assigned to their applicable Pay Items. I checked my QTO Feature Settings, and the distance precision is set to 2.
QTO 2D Projected Areas - Autodesk Community
2013年4月9日 · I am using QTO to get the top surface area of a stock subassembly that I have laid out at a 100% grade (1:1 H:V) with a 5 foot offset. For 100' of Corridor stationing, QTO returns an area of 499.93 sqft, which is appx. equal to the 2D projected area in plan view (5'x100'). The requirement is to ...
Solved: QTO Rounding - Autodesk Community
C3D 2018.2 Win7 Can someone tell me the easiest way to get Quantity Takeoff Manager to round to nearest ft (for example) when calculating something paid by linear foot? I searched the forum but didn't really see anything. I suck at expressions. thanks.
Solved: QTO Issues - Autodesk Community
2013年1月16日 · Alright, getting back to wanting to use the QTO utilities after a 2 year hiatus. As of version 2010 QTO was virtually useless. If you tried to calculate volumes from your corridor by assigning Pay Items to your code syles either the wrong volume was reported or nothing was reported. Now I am using v...
QTO Manager tonnage formula to two decimal places - Autodesk …
2020年11月17日 · I am doing a patch project and am using the QTO manager for the first time to calculate quantities. Everything is working fine, I just had a question about when I am calculating tons of subbase it rounds to the whole number instead of 2 decimal places like I would like it. The formula I am using is (({Item Area}*0.50)*140)/2000.
Solved: QTO pay item costs - Autodesk Community
2015年6月15日 · As you may know formula do not work on corridor links; 0 is always reported when a formula is inserted in the QTO manager. I was interested and ran a similar test choosing cubic yards and tons, and the results indicate that the cubic yards assumes 1 unit for depth and a specific weight of 1 for the tons conversion.
Solved: QTO Issues - Page 2 - Autodesk Community
2013年1月16日 · You're a little panicky regarding C3D's shortcomings. Yes, something like the QTO needs major work and the mass haul system, but the productivity gains from alignments, profiles, feature lines, corridors, gradings, parcels, and survey points far outweighs the negatives such as the QTO being basically worthless (out of the box).
Solved: QTO Not Working - Autodesk Community
2025年1月13日 · If you purge regapps at drawing startup, it wont run the QTO Takeoff. Comment out the line that is running -purge r in acad.lsp or acaddoc.lsp and you will be good! Reply