QTR-8A Reflectance Sensor Array - Pololu
The QTR-8A reflectance sensor array is intended as a line sensor, but it can be used as a general-purpose proximity or reflectance sensor. The module is a convenient carrier for eight IR emitter and receiver (phototransistor) pairs evenly spaced at intervals of 0.375" (9.525 mm).
QTR-8A Sensor Outputs The QTR-8A reflectance sensor array has eight distinct sensor outputs, one from each LED/phototransistor pair. These outputs are analog voltages ranging from 0 V to Vcc (which must be between 3.3 and 5 V). With a strong
QTR-8A and QTR-8RC Reflectance Sensor Array User’s Guide
The QTR-8A reflectance sensor array has eight distinct sensor outputs, one from each LED/phototransistor pair. These outputs are analog voltages ranging from 0 V to Vcc (which must be between 3.3 and 5 V).
QTR-8A and QTR-8RC Reflectance Sensor Array User’s Guide
QTR-8A reflectance sensor array on a 3/4" line with a quarter for size reference. View entire document on a single page. You can also view this document as a printable PDF .
Arduino Library for the Pololu QTR Reflectance Sensors
The modules come as compact, single-sensor units (QTR-1A and QTR-1RC; QTR-L-1A and QTR-L-1RC), 3-sensor arrays (QTR-3A and QTR-3RC), or as 8-sensor arrays (QTR-8A and QTR-8RC) that can be optionally split into a 2-sensor array and a 6-sensor array.
QTR-8A Reflectance Sensor Array - Pololu
User’s guide for the QTR-8A reflectance sensor array. Pololu QTR Reflectance Sensor Application Note ( Printable PDF ) Information about using the Pololu QTR reflectance sensors, including differences between A-type and RC-type sensors and sample oscilloscope screen captures of sensor outputs.
Pololu - QTR-8A Reflectance Sensor Array
QTR-8A reflectance sensor array with included 25-pin 0.1" header strip and 100 Ohm through-hole resistor. The QTR-8A reflectance sensor can separate into two smaller, functional arrays of length 2 and 6.
Pololu QTR Reflectance Sensor Application Note
Information about using the Pololu QTR reflectance sensors, including differences between A-type and RC-type sensors and sample oscilloscope screen captures of sensor outputs.
QTR-8A How to calibrate? - Software and microcontrollers - Pololu …
2010年12月23日 · I am reading qtr-8a sensors via 8 analog channels of my uC. ADC is 10 bits and max value is 1023. So how can i calibrate this sensor readings for my line following robot?
4. Distinguishing the QTR-8A from the QTR-8RC - Pololu
The QTR-8A sensor array has a different output format from the QTR-8RC, so it is important you know which sensor model you have. What distinguishes one model from another are the components placed on a common PCB. The pictures below show the two models: