Quad 909 review - What Hi-Fi?
2003年9月13日 · The Quad 909 may be relatively small, especially by the standard's of some of its rivals, but play anything large-scale – say, Stravinsky's Rite of Spring – and this dynamic …
喇叭難推?找Quad就對了-Quad 99前級/Quad 909後級 - U …
909後級輸出功率140瓦,略低於Luna 6大約10瓦,但價格卻便宜很多,但在驅動喇叭的力道上,一點也不輸給Luna 6。 重新接線過後,以適當的音量播放米良美一的「乘著歌聲的翅膀 …
Quad 909 Stereo Power Amplifier Manual - HiFi Engine
The Quad 909 is a two channel power amplifier using current dumping technology. It weighs approximately 12kg and is built to be robust. The performance of the 909 amplifier is as …
- 评论数: 2
Quad 909 Amplifiers user reviews : 5 out of 5 - audioreview.com
Quad 909, a powerful power amplifier at 130wx2 (8ohm) to drive my KEF 103/4, gives me exactly what I want to hear in replaying orchestral, instrumental and jazz music, the sound itself is …
- 评论数: 5
Quad 909的魅力 - 音响贵族网(www.gzhifi.com)
Quad 909继续沿用其厂方独家专利和获奖无数的“Current Dumping"(电流倾注)线路设计,即小功率时为A类,大功率时为B类,两种截然不同的工作模式相互协调运作,既可以控制喇叭重播的 …
Quad 99 Series Preamplifier and 909 Stereo Power Amplifier …
Despite its diminutive size, the 99 Series preamp is a true full-featured control unit that will accept four line level inputs (including tape recording with monitoring), each with separately …
Quad 909 - Underwood HiFi
The Quad 909 power amplifier is a wonderful 140wpc power amp (250 watts into 4 ohms), with a midrange unsurpassed in its price range which The Abso!ute Sound review compares to …
Quad 909 Review - VintageSonics
Quad’s 909 is known for its fuss-free performance, robust power, and equal tonal balance. It’s not as much fun as a Naim power amp from the same era, but it does have a certain even …
Quad 909 Review? - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
2021年12月26日 · Would like seeing Amir’s testing of Quad 909 “current dumping” based power amplifier (140w @ 8ohm) … Quad has Artera version (new model) but it is basically same …
Used Quad 909 Stereo power amplifiers for Sale | HifiShark.com
2025年3月15日 · Used Quad 909 Stereo power amplifiers for sale on 400+ second hand hifi sites & shops. Use Hifi Shark to monitor pricing and global availability