CUBEX QUADS- Welcome Cubex Quads – Think Big. We Do.
Cubex Quads packs nearly 70 years of design and manufacturing experience into each of our world-class products… since 1957. Top quality materials manufactured to proven specifications provide massive gain, lower noise levels and extreme durability. Very happy with the …
5 Band Cubical Quad - VE3SQB
We'll start with a specification of my present Quad (2 element). It covers six bands, 20m-10m on HF, and also 6m. It is a Boomless (spider quad, gem quad)design.
Mk-Series – CUBEX QUADS- Welcome Cubex Quads
Full wave HF loops are very easy to make and will tune perfectly using our proven dimensions for each band with nice operational bandwidth. A tuner typically isn’t required except of the upper end of the 10m band (typ. 3:1). 10/12 and 15m require a 75Ω matching section, whereas 17 and 20m can be direct fed with 50Ω coax.
Quad Antennas : quad antenna, how to build a quad antenna
2015年10月12日 · Construction details and tests about a 2 elements cubical quad antenna for HF Bands 20 ...
Skymaster Series – CUBEX QUADS- Welcome Cubex Quads
The Skymaster series is our most economical line of complete and full-sized HF multi-band antennas. Designed for the do-it-yourself builder, Skymaster kits include everything you need to build a quality antenna. Performance is equivalent Mk-Series models if built to plans, or custom build to your own design specifications.
7 element Quad (160m), HamSphere 5.0 Shop
7-element quad for 160m. HamSphere is pleased to present the 7-Element Diamond Configuration Cubical Quad HF antenna series which is optimized for superb DX performance. This mono-band antenna is deployed on all HF Ham Radio bands on HS4.
Cubical Quad Antenna
A quad is a 3 dimensional antenna so maintenance can be difficult. Even with a tilt over tower, tall ladders or a bucket truck may be needed. There are devices that will allow the tilting of the tower to the ground to work on a cubical quad antenna, rotator, or tower. It works by letting the quad loops swivel out of the way.
Reviews For: Cubex Quads - eHam.net
Here it is 2022 already, so my review of the Mk IV 5 Band Cubex Quad is WAY out of date! I initially put the quad up in 2003/2004 and had great success with it.
Quads, HamSphere 5.0 Shop
7-element quad for 40m HamSphere is pleased to present the 7-Element Diamond Configuration Cubical Quad HF antenna series which is optimized for superb DX pe...
Building a 4 Element Cubical Quad - IW5EDI Simone - Ham-Radio
I seriously recommend building a 4 element quad. Four elements gives the highest gain to size ratio of any type of beam in existence. If you go more than 4 elements the gains are negligible, less than 4 elements and you could have a bit less than you get with 4 elements. These are the simple reasons I recommend the four element quad.