QUB - Markov Analysis
Use QUB to explore the dynamics of hidden states in a memoryless system. Simulate the output from a model system responding to a voltage / pressure / concentration ladder, or recover the most likely transition rates from noisy data. [read more...] QUB was created to solve problems in ion channel research.
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Loading QUB Online... - Mandelics
This is a prototype of QUB software running in the web browser. It simulates the output of a hidden Markov model, representing a physical system such as an ion channel, and recovers model parameters from experimental data. Our plan is to host a database of projects and associated data, and to accelerate computation using on-demand and cloud resources. Build #
The End of “The World” as we’ve known it - Ukraine, the US and …
1 天前 · The remnants of the United States’ moment in the sun as a relatively unchallenged imperial Western power will be buried in the Ukraine settlement. The upcoming negotiated settlement between US President Donald Trump and Russian Federation President, Vladimir Putin – leading to an end of the war – will be a deeply symbolic “symptom of our times” – replete with danger and opportunity ...
QuB 可以应用于任何用马尔可夫动力学适当建模的数据,并已被用于求解离子通道,还用于求解运动蛋白的运动、小鼠的睡眠周期和物理过程。 [公式:见正文]特刊评论:这是关于可以从轨迹中提取模型的软件 QuB 的评论。 它与解决单分子时的治疗方法有关,这是关于可以从轨迹中提取模型的软件 QuB 的评论。 它与解决单分子时的治疗方法有关, 60 以及关于酶的评论。 61,62. The ability to record the currents from single ion channels led to the need to extract the underlying …
贝尔法斯特女王大学 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
贝尔法斯特女王大学 (英语:Queen's University Belfast,简称「Queen’s」或「QUB」)是一所位于 英國 北爱尔兰 首府 贝尔法斯特 的公立研究型大学。 女王大学的历史可以追溯到1810年创立的皇家贝尔法斯特学会,大学于1845年获得皇家特许状,1849年以“贝尔法斯特女王学院”为名开始办学。 該校位於贝尔法斯特四大文化区之一的女王区的中心地带,大学提供跨学科、不同层次的学位项目,目前可供选择的项目超过300个。 女王大学的代理校长和副校监由詹姆士·麦克伊尔 …
The Best Food Markets in Belfast - Queen's University Belfast
1 天前 · The Best Food Markets in Belfast 24 March, 2025 When it comes to food markets in Belfast, you really are spoiled for choice!