Download Quip
All your documents and messages are synced to your hard drive - no downloading and no waiting! Seamless transition between online and offline so bad internet connections won’t slow you down. Documents are indexed alongside your personal files and are …
Quip is the easiest way for Salesforce customers to transform processes like Account Planning, Mutual Close Plans, and Qualification Notes. Standardize, automate, and embed real-time, collaborative documents inside Salesforce records.
您的 Quip 下载将在数秒内开始。 如果未开始, 请重新开始下载。 所有文档和消息都将与您的硬盘同步 — 无需下载和等待! 在线与离线之间无缝过渡,即使互联网连接糟糕,也不会减慢您的速度。 文档随您的个人文件一起编制索引,可立即在您的计算机上搜索。 您在桌面上所做的每一处更改都会立即与您的手机和平板电脑同步。
Quip on the Mac App Store
Quip is a place for teams to create living documents. It combines chat, docs, slides, and spreadsheets in one app — making collaboration fast and easy. Skip the endless emails, meetings, document versions by working simpler and faster with Quip—available for your Mac, iPad and iPhone.
App Store 上的“Quip”
Quip currently offers the best organization app for integrating excel, calendar, to-do list, with note taking application. It allows for visible organization that is separate from the desktop folders, stored on an iCloud, accessible from all Quip apps (MacBook, iPad, and iPhone).
Quip - Docs, Chat, Sheets 4+ - App Store
Quip is a place for teams to create living documents. It combines chat, docs, slides, and spreadsheets in one app — making collaboration fast and easy. Skip the endless emails, meetings, document versions by working simpler and faster with Quip—available for your Mac, iPad and iPhone.
Frequently Asked Questions - Quip
The quip app is available to download through the App Store and Google Play. To get started, search for “quip: Oral Care Companion”. To log into the quip app, you will first need to complete the initial setup. You can then log in with your existing quip account credentials, or by creating a new account. Setup Instructions
Quip: Salesforce Mobile Solutions
Quip's mobile app helps you start new docs and spreadsheets, contribute to existing work, and stay in sync with your team — no matter where you are. Everyone on the same page. Bring your team together no matter where they are.
quip官方安卓版下载-quip app下载 v8.32.0 - 多多软件站
Quip安卓版是专门为使用android系统手机的小伙伴所提供的一款界面简约、功能丰富、专业可靠的现代文字处理软件,同时也是拥有高效率的手机办公软件,因为不仅支持手机、平板、电脑多端同步进行使用创建文档,还能将文档和信息组合到一个聊天式的更新 ...
Quip (software) - Wikipedia
The core of Quip provides word processing and spreadsheet functionality, [8] accessible via the Web, an iOS app, and an Android app. [9] Alongside all documents on Quip is a live updating history of edits made, as well as the ability to highlight portions of a document and add comments, which facilitates collaboration. [10]
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