Dr. Quan Chen's Home Page - SJTU
2021年1月8日 · 本人目前是上海交通大学计算机科学与工程系教授,并加入新兴并行计算研究中心团队。 本团队目前正在招募博士研究生和硕士研究生。 如果你对并行计算、计算机系统、计算机体系结构感兴趣,请和我联系。 负责人,.... Quan Chen, Minyi Guo. Task Scheduling for Multi-core and Parallel Architectures -...
Cheng Research Group | Department of Chemistry
Welcome to the Cheng Lab at UCR! We study biosensor applications and material design through surface plasmon resonance, mass spectrometry, and high throughput approaches. The tools we develop are applied toward a range of biomolecular targets, including clinical biomarkers, environmental toxins and contaminants, and complex media.
Group Members - Cheng Research Group
Quan "Jason" Cheng, Ph.D. Professor of Chemistry Nanjing University, China - B.S. (1986) and M.S. (1989) University of Florida, Ph.D. (1995) University of California, Berkeley - Postdoc. Fellow (1995-1997) Lawrence Berkeley National Lab - Staff Scientist (1997-2001) Phone: (951) 827-2702. Email: [email protected]. Short CV
Qun Cheng - Google | LinkedIn
View Qun Cheng’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Proficient programming languages (work experience or alike): Java, JavaScript…
- 人脉数: 358
- 位置: Google
Qun Cheng - President - First Connecticut International Co., Ltd ...
Make critical decision on machinery and metal business, vision on company's business development, budgeting. Our company has been in businesses for more than two decades, started by buying, selling...
- 职位: President at First Connecticut …
- 位置: First Connecticut International Co., Ltd.
- 人脉数: 24
QUAN CHENG - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
QUAN CHENG. Department of Neurosurgery, ... Z Chen, D Li, Q Cheng, Z Ma, B Jiang, R Peng, R Chen, Y Cao, X Wan. Molecular medicine reports 9 (2), 503-508, 2014. 70: 2014: Circadian clock genes promote glioma progression by affecting tumour …
组长:陈佺----膜生物学国家重点实验室 - CAS
在科学院“百人计划”和知识创新工程的支持下陈佺研究员于2000年组建了细胞凋亡和癌症生物学研究组,主要从事线粒体生物学和肿瘤干细胞研究。 集中研究线粒体在细胞凋亡调控中的关键作用及线粒体自噬的分子调控机制。 同时开展肿瘤干细胞在肿瘤发生和转移中作用的研究。 近年来在国际主流杂志 Nature Cell Biology, Molecular Cell, Nature Communications, Cancer Research, JBC, FASEB Journal,Oncogene, Clinical Cancer Research, Cell Death and Differentiation 和 …
Qun CHEN | Professor (Full) | Ph.D. - ResearchGate
Qun CHEN, Professor (Full) | Cited by 4,637 | of Tsinghua University, Beijing (TH) | Read 202 publications | Contact Qun CHEN
Qunfeng Cheng - Google Scholar
QF Cheng, JP Wang, JJ Wen, CH Liu, KL Jiang, QQ Li, SS Fan. Carbon 48 (1), 260-266, 2010. 288: 2010: Functionalized carbon‐nanotube sheet/bismaleimide nanocomposites: mechanical and electrical performance beyond carbon‐fiber composites. Q Cheng, B Wang, C Zhang, Z Liang.
Qun Cheng – hilcohia
Qun joins Hilco Global most recently from First Connecticut International Co., Ltd. Avon, CT. USA, a company he founded in 1993. Email: [email protected]. LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/qun-cheng.
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