Qun Xie - Sammamish, Washington - (425) 392-8913
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Qun Xie Address & Phone Number | Whitepages People Search
Find Qun's current address, phone number and email. Contact information for people named Qun Xie found in Washington, California, New Jersey and 7 other U.S. states, and include family, property and public records.
Xiang Qun Sean Xie | School of Pharmacy - University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Xiang-Qun (Sean) Xie is a tenured full Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Principal Investigator (PD/PI) of an integrated AI data science computing and experimental Medicinal Chemistry-Biology Laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy/Drug Discovery Institute since 2006.
Xiang-Qun Xie - Google Scholar
Comparative normal/failing rat myocardium cell membrane chromatographic analysis system for screening specific components that counteract doxorubicin-induced heart failure from … X Chen, Y Cao, H...
Xiang-Qun (Sean) Xie, MD, PhD, EMBA 解向群 Associate Dean for Research Innovation School of Pharmacy Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences/Drug Discovery Institute,
Qun Xie in WA - Washington Address & Phone Number - Whitepages
Find addresses and contact info for 5 people named Qun Xie across 2 U.S. cities in Washington using Whitepages People Search. People named Qun Xie are usually in their 50s and often live in Bellevue and Sammamish. The best profile found nearby …
Xiang-Qun (Sean) Xie, PhD, EMBA | Pittsburgh Center for ...
Dr Xie has led AI computational drug design and experimental drug discovery technology development with a track record of over 180 publications in CELL, Nat. Comm, PNAS, JMC, etc. As such, Dr Xie has received the AAPS Award for Outstanding Research Achievements and Brenneman Scholar Award.
Xiang-Qun (Sean) Xie, MD, PhD, EMBA - Drug Discovery and …
Nov 6, 2019 · Associate Dean for Research Innovation, Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Xiang-Qun (Sean) Xie - Scientific Research Publishing
Prof. Xiang-Qun (Sean) Xie. Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Drug Discover Institute, School of Pharmacy. University of Pittsburgh, USA Email: [email protected]. Qualifications. 2003 Executive MBA, School of Business Administration, University of Connecticut 1995 Postdoc., MIT Francis Bitter National Magnet laboratory, University of Connecticut
Qun Xie | Center for Studies in Higher Education
Qun Xie is currently a visiting scholar at the Center for Studies in Higher Education, UC Berkeley. She is a professor and has worked as Director of Development Policies & Planning Office in the Shanghai University of Electric Power from 2007 to 2017.