yay - Arch Linux 中文维基
Yay 是一个适用于Arch Linux的命令行软件,主要用于帮助用户从Arch User Repository (AUR)构建和安装软件包。 它可以做的事情包括: 自动解决软件包间的依赖关系。 动态地搜索、编译和构建包。 安装与管理 AUR中的包。 警告: Arch Linux 不对 AUR 助手引发的问题提供支持。 您应熟悉 自行构建过程 以准备好解决遇到的问题。 在开始之前,请确保您已安装 base-devel 包 git 包. 安装base-devel, git: 克隆 yay 源码: 如果你在中国构建yay,强烈建议你克隆 yay-bin 而非 yay。
Did a TV edit of Die Hard have McClane say "Yippie Ki Yay Melon …
2017年7月13日 · Most TV edits of McClane's line are changed to "Yippie Ki Yay, my friend", not "melon farmer", though such an edit may exist. But, in Die Hard With a Vengeance, Samuel L. Jackson's character (Zeus) has the same vulgar word replaced to be "You racist melon farmer!"
Origin Of 'Die Hard' Movie's Famous Quote 'Yippee-Ki-Yay' …
2022年12月19日 · Bruce Willis' John McClane notably delivered "Die Hard's" iconic catchphrase, "yippee-ki-yay." Here's what it means.
Die Hard (film) - Wikiquote
2024年12月14日 · Die Hard is a 1988 American action film about a New York cop who tries to save his estranged wife and several others robbed and taken hostage by German terrorists during a Christmas party in a Los Angeles skyscraper. Directed by John McTiernan. Written by Jeb Stuart and Steven E. de Souza, based on Nothing Lasts Forever by Roderick Thorp.
如何评价 SonarQube? - 知乎
SonarQube 是一款代码质量检测工具。 SonarQube以其基本版本免费开源的策略在中国吸引了众多粉丝。 其核心功能是作为一款质量管理平台,容纳各种代码分析器为其提供分析报告,很方便的和企业软件的开发流程对接。 所以免费、功能齐全,操作简单是最大的特点。 由于免费版包括了Web编程的绝大多数语言,Java/Javascript/PHP等,再加上一些主流的开源工具像Findbugs,cppcheck等都为SonarQube写了插件,所以基本能覆盖互联网、金融等开发快速 …
Home - Qube Money | Digital Cash Envelopes Banking & Budget …
Choice Financial Group holds your money; Qube Money gives your money life. Our patented proactive spending method requires you to check your budget before you spend. This protects you from theft and empowers you to save more and …
John McClane: Yippee-ki-yay, motherf***er. - Quotes.net
John McClane, officer of the NYPD, tries to save his wife Holly Gennaro and several others that were taken hostage by German terrorist Hans Gruber during a Christmas party at the …
Yippee-Kai-yay, motherfucker. | Quotes with Sound Clips from …
Yippee-Kai-yay, motherfucker. Description: 5 seconds sound clip from the Die Hard (1988) movie soundboard. You can hear this line at 01:00:42 in the Blu-ray version of the movie. [...] - You know my name, but who are you? Just another American who saw too many movies as a child? - Another orphan of a bankrupt culture who thinks he's John Wayne?
求海外量化对冲基金名单? - 知乎
具体来看,桥水基金蝉联冠军,英仕曼集团、文艺复兴科技、千禧资本、德劭集团和Two Sigma分别稳坐第2、第3、第4、第6和第7名。 另外,2022年前十大对冲基金公司中,位次上升最快的机构为城堡投资——从第9名升至第5名,其次是戴维森·肯普钠资本——从第10名升至第8名。 而法拉龙资本和TCI基金管理公司位次则有所下降,前者从第8名下降至第9名,后者则从第5名下降至第10名。 近日,美国著名资产管理杂志与调查机构 Pensions & Investments 公布了2023年全球前十 …
SonarQube Server 2025.1 Documentation - SonarSource
SonarQube Server is an on-premise analysis tool designed to detect coding issues in 30+ languages, frameworks, and IaC platforms.