Qwic 破产:对电动自行车市场和保修的影响 - 中国啊! 时代
继今年早些时候的 VanMoof 之后,Qwic 现在正在走向破产。 上周,阿姆斯特丹品牌已获准延期付款。 现在,司法机构破产登记处显示,母公司 Hartmobile 也已宣布破产。 目前尚无法联系到 Qwic 的馆长就破产事件做出回应。 该公司早些时候在给业务伙伴的电子邮件中表示:“欧洲电动自行车销量多年来强劲增长,但自 2022 年夏季以来,我们看到了趋势的突破。 ”贸易网站...
QWIC - Innovative design and highest quality e-bikes - Made in …
We forge our e-bikes with passion, craftsmanship and high-quality components. QWIC uses modern design elements and the latest innovations from the electric car industry. We call this ‘a strong example of Dutch Craftsmanship’. Only the best suppliers complement our QWIC e-bikes.
QWIC elektrische fietsen | Design, kwaliteit en comfort
Met ruim 400 verkoop- en servicepunten in Nederland, België en Duitsland is er altijd een QWIC winkel bij jou in de buurt. Onze e-bikes smeden wij met passie, vakmanschap en hoogwaardige componenten. QWIC maakt gebruik van moderne designelementen en de laatste innovaties uit de elektrische auto-industrie.
2023年11月22日 · 荷蘭,阿姆斯特丹(AMSTERDAM)—Qwic一向以身為荷蘭電動自行車市場早期創新企業之一而聞名,據Qwic表示,一張突如其來的稅單使他們決定申請自我管理破產。 該決定也將影響位於荷蘭布雷達(Breda)全新車架自動化產線的啟用。 先是出現與疫情相關的供應鏈阻礙,接著因今年高庫存導致成本迅速增加,更讓Qwic和其他公司吃足苦頭。 Qwic並非是今年第一間陷入困境的荷蘭公司,VanMoof Holding、Global Support和the Netherlands於七月接連 …
Qwic restart after bankruptcy shrouded in mist - Bike Europe
2024年2月6日 · AMSTERDAM, the Netherlands - The QWIC administrator has reached an agreement with a consortium of investors for a restart. This was announced by Wieringa lawyers last Friday. The new owners of Qwic have not made themselves public, while Qwic founder and CEO Taco Anema told Bike Europe he will no longer be involved in the new operation.
QWIC - LinkedIn
QWIC is a fast growing light electric vehicle brand based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We develop, manufacture and sell innovative electric bicycles for urban commuters. At QWIC we believe...
Qwic Premium i MN7+ Belt review Elegant step-through bike with …
Test: With the Qwic Premium i MN7+ Belt, we tested a modern e-city bike that, in addition to a low-maintenance belt drive, also has an extremely quiet and powerful motor. The overall package convinces at an attractive price. The Dutch manufacturer Qwic has been involved in the bicycle market for 15 years now.
Our e-bikes - QWIC
Take a look at our complete collection of QWIC e-bikes. Whether sporty or rather comfortable - our top quality electric bicycles have got you covered.
2024 QWIC i Auto - Specs, Reviews, Images - Road Bike Database
Specs, reviews & prices for the 2024 QWIC i Auto. Compare forks, shocks, wheels and other components on current and past bikes. View and share reviews, comments and questions on road bikes. Huge selection of road bikes from brands such as Trek, Specialized, Giant, Santa Cruz, Norco and more.
Qwick | Hospitality Staffing + Gig Platform
Qwick is the leading hospitality staffing platform—whether you're looking for shifts or trying to fill them. Tap into a network of the hospitality industry’s most qualified professionals. Vetted …