Creating a Prompt/Answer system to input data into R
2012年6月13日 · My apologies as this is not a reproducible code kind of question, but I'm not sure how to approach making R ask questions as opposed to me asking question about R!
How to check if object (variable) is defined in R?
There may be situations in which you do not exactly know the name of the variable you are looking for, like when an array of results have been created by a queuing system. These can …
What is the correct way to ask for user input in an R program?
2015年2月12日 · @Marek is very right. A few more remarks : In general, you shouldn't be using scan() but readline() for this. I'd split the code so it becomes clear what serves to read in n, …
How to update a package in R? - Stack Overflow
2014年1月31日 · If you read ?update.pacakges, then you'll notice that the first argument to update.packages is not the package name, but the library location to check. If you only want to …
taking inputs through pop up window in R - Stack Overflow
2017年9月8日 · I would like to read an input given by User in R programming through message window. For example, It should give a message "enter the number" in a pop up box along with …
Return row of Data Frame based on value in a column - R
Subsetting is quite important to learn if you really want to use R efficiently, so perhaps you want to take a look at An Introduction to R to get started.
How to get help in R? - Stack Overflow
2013年3月8日 · What is the possible documentation available for R package? For example I try to understand sp package. In addition to help(sp), what are the other functions for searching …
r - How to test if list element exists? - Stack Overflow
Using exists() on a list does work, but I believe that R internally coerces it to an environment before checking for an object of that name, which is inefficient and can result in errors if there …
How to get current working directory in R? - Stack Overflow
Please try a simple google search before posting! Typing "r get current working directory" gets me the man page answering your first two questions as its first hit.
Make readline wait for input in R - Stack Overflow
2016年8月22日 · In non-interactive use the result is as if the response was RETURN and the value is "". You have stumbled on one of the "surprising" features of R. <rant> Why readline() …