RU-27 - Wikipedia
RU-27, dubbed Scarlet Knight after the Rutgers Scarlet Knights athletic teams, is an experimental American autonomous underwater vehicle – a modified Slocum Autonomous Underwater Gliding Vehicle – operated by Rutgers University oceanographers.
R-27 (air-to-air missile) - Wikipedia
The Vympel R-27 (NATO reporting name AA-10 Alamo) is a family of air-to-air missiles developed by the Soviet Union during the late Cold War -era.
U.S. Route 27 in Florida - Wikipedia
U.S. Highway 27 (US 27) in Florida is a north–south United States Numbered Highway. It runs 496.352 miles (798.801 km) from the Miami metropolitan area northwest to the Tallahassee metropolitan area. Throughout the state, US 27 has been designated the Claude Pepper Memorial Highway by the Florida Legislature.
R-27ER - War Thunder Wiki
The R-27ER (and its export version R-27ER1) is a Soviet Semi-Active Radar Homing (SARH) missile first introduced in Update "Apex Predators". The high-explosive mass usually destroys any aircraft if hit directly. It is hard to dodge as well, since it …
Su-27 | War Thunder Wiki
The Su-27 is a jack of all trades yet a master of almost none, and that playstyle is its strongest suite. The Flanker carries a very generous amount of air to air missiles (ten), including up to six heat-seeking missiles with HMD targeting, and four of the infamous R-27ER coupled with the strong N001 Mech radar.
R-27飛彈 - Wikiwand
R-27 (Vympel R-27), 北約 代號 AA-10 「杨树」,是 前苏联 于20世纪70年代中期开始研制的半主动雷达制导导弹。 R-27于1983年开始服役,最大射程80千米。 事实速览 R-27 飛彈北約代號: AA-10 楊树(Alamo), 类型 ... 一架前 德國空軍第73戰術聯隊 的 米格-29戰鬥機 正執行訓練任務並向一台 QF-4無人靶機 發射R-27中程空對空導彈,攝於2003年6月。 R-27从1982年服役以来,至少推出7种型号. R-27T :中距惯性指挥修正暨红外线制导型,最大射程约 40 公里。 全长 …
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1ST SESSION H. R. 27 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES FEBRUARY 10, 2025 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary AN ACT To amend the Controlled Substances Act with respect to the scheduling of fentanyl-related substances, and for other purposes. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-
Russia's Su-27 and MiG-29 Were Once Some of the Most …
2018年8月3日 · It was first envisioned that there would be two different variants of the R-27 in service, a lighter K-27A for the MiG-29 with shorter range and a heavier K-27B for the Su-27 with longer...