windows - Vim: \n vs. \r - Stack Overflow
2008年12月8日 · Behind the scenes, Vim uses \r (carriage returns) to save End-Of-Lines (regardless of the fileformat, which only matters when the file is being read or written). Vim …
Why is \r a newline for Vim? - Stack Overflow
2008年9月16日 · If you follow the link to |pattern|, it takes you to the section that explains the whole regexp patterns used in Vim. Meanwhile, |sub-replace-special| takes you to the …
What is the difference between s, c and r commands in vi/vim?
Maximizing the utility of commands like c, y, and d that take motions requires having a good grasp of text-objects (type help text-objects in vim. These aren't in vi.) Because r takes a character …
vim - What is "%:r" in vimrc file? - Stack Overflow
2017年11月26日 · What is %:r in vimrc file? Again, it's not anything specific to your vimrc. :r is a file name modifier applied to the current file name. Assuming the current file name is foobar.c, …
Insert the carriage return character in Vim - Stack Overflow
2013年7月21日 · After much headbanging I'm adding this here even though it's an old question: to insert a literal CR character from a :s command, you must precede it with a backslash or else …
vim - what is the difference between :.! and :r!? - Stack Overflow
reading up on some vim tips, I came across :r!{command} and :.!{command}, both of which take the output of the shell <command> and put it in the current buffer. I imagine the 'r' to stand for …
can't get syntax highlighting to work with R code in vim
2010年3月17日 · Try adding this line to the file filetype.vim. filetype.vim is generally located in the folder ~/.vim. Create the file if it doesn't exist. au! BufNewFile,BufRead …
ide - How to enable vim mode in RStudio - Stack Overflow
2017年11月9日 · Has anyone been able to enable or use vim mode in RStudio? I'm using a new version of RStudio, (3.3.2 (2016-10-31)). The only instructions are from three or four years …
Can I have vim highlight code in R markup? - Stack Overflow
2014年8月12日 · As long as there is an r.vim syntax file. You could also automatically call this method every time you open a .Rmd file: autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.Rmd :call …
vim - Replacing carriage return ^M with Enter - Stack Overflow
2011年5月9日 · %s/\r/\r/g It looks like if it is doing nothing, but in regular expressions and double-quoted strings carriage returns are represented using \r and line feeds with \n, while in the …