R-3PO | Wookieepedia | Fandom
R-3PO was a 3PO-series protocol droid with distinctive red plating and a moody attitude. During the Galactic Civil War, it served the Alliance to Restore the Republic in their fight against the Galactic Empire, and when the Alliance established Echo Base on …
R-3PO: The Red Protocol Droid - The Imperial Talker
2020年3月6日 · R-3PO, like its counterpart K-3PO, only appears in The Empire Strikes Back. Specifically, the protocol droid can be found in two distinct scenes in the film, both times in the Echo Base hanger. The first scene is in the opening minutes of the film when Han Solo returns from his tauntaun patrol of Hoth. As Solo walks around an X-Wing and heads ...
R-3PO | Droids Wiki | Fandom
R-3PO was a 3PO unit protocol droid with distinctive red plating and a moody attitude. During the Galactic Civil War it served the Alliance to Restore the Republic in their fight against the Galactic Empire, and when the Alliance established Echo Baseon the planet Hoth, R …
R-3PO | Star Wars Canon Extended Wikia | Fandom
R-3PO (Ar-Threepio) was an 3PO-Series Protocol Droid who affiliated with the Rebel Alliance during the height of Galactic Civil War. Known for his distinctive red coloring, and a moody disposition, R-3PO was stationed at the secret Echo Base on that remote ice planet of Hoth.
R-3PO – The Imperial Talker
As the canonical reference book Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know notes, R-3PO is a “moody, red protocol droid on the lookout for spies” (pg. 164). This counterespionage role for R-3PO is, in fact, a carry over from the Expanded Universe where R-3PO was first presented as being tasked with weeding out spies among the droid ...
R-3PO - Characters — MyFigureCollection.net
R-3PO (Ar-Threepio) was a 3PO-series protocol droid affiliated with the Alliance to...
R-3PO - gofigure.toys
A protocol droid at the Rebel's base on Hoth, R-3PO was present when the Imperial Forces attacked Echo Base, which had to be abandoned to the enemy. Protocol droids were vital in smoothing differences encountered by the many far-flung cultures interacting on a regular basis throughout the galaxy.
R-3PO | Wookieepedia | Fandom
R-3PO (Ar-Threepio) was a 3PO-series protocol droid affiliated with the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Known for his distinctive red coloring, a tattoo on his left posterior plating that read "Thank The Maker," and a moody disposition, R-3PO was...
R-3PO (Hoth Evacuation) - SW [S - P3] - Basic (’04 #02)
R-3PO (Hoth Evacuation) is a fantastic release in the Star Wars “Saga” basic figure lineup. Characters like this are great for background diorama fodder as well as for collectors that concentrate their collections are character types. We’re thrilled about this action figure.
R-3PO - Fan Fiction
==Top== R-3PO (Ar-Threepio) was a 3PO-series protocol droid affiliated with the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Known for his distinctive red coloring, a tattoo on his left posterior plating that read "Thank The Maker," and a moody disposition, R-3PO...