R32 vs R290 vs R134a vs R12 Refrigerant - techtown
When technicians and facility managers search the web to learn about the refrigerant in the unit they're working on, there are four types that often get linked to one another. In the chart below, we compare R32 vs R290 vs R134a vs R12 refrigerant, so you have all the basic details when conducting your research.
Use the formula below to calculate the change in charge level from R12 to R134a refrigerant. This applies to specifications listed in pounds only. (R12 Charge Specification x 0.9) – 0.25 lbs. = R134a Charge Level
What Happens If You Put R134a in an R12 System? - techtown
What are the Differences Between R134a and R12 Refrigerant? While both R12 and R134a are refrigerants and are used for cooling and refrigeration, they are two different compounds entirely. R12 (also known as “Freon”) is a CFC (chlorofluorocarbon), specifically dichlorodifluoromethane, and R134a is a hydrofluorocarbon (HFC), meaning both ...
What is the value of R12 refrigerant? - Discussion Forums
2016年9月21日 · Someone I know has a leftover canister of R12 (Freon) refrigerant. He is in the heating and air conditioning business and is cleaning out some "unnecessary" old supplies. His last canister, he estimates, has 25 pounds of R12 left of the original 30 pounds.
R12 to R134a Conversion Chart & Formula - techtown
R12 to R134a Refrigerant Charge Conversion Charts. While the formula above is helpful, you might be strapped for time and need an answer quickly. Below is a PDF of tables that show R12 to R134a refrigerant charge conversions in pounds and ounces: R12 to R134a Conversion Tables – Pounds & Ounces. Additional Info from the Forum
1990 Robinair R12 recovery machine - how does it work?
2020年10月23日 · I recently picked up this neat machine. It is a Robinair R-12 recovery and recycle machine Model 17300. It is dated 1990 but I can find no documentation about how it works. Ideally it would suck R12 from an A/C system and store it in the tank on the back. (the recovery phase) The vacuum pump does...
Retrofit R-12 to 134A - what about the oil? - Discussion Forums
2019年11月8日 · But what about the refrigerant oil? My new 134A compressor came with a 3 oz. charge. My original service manual states that the factory compressor should have 10.5 oz of oil. I checked on the website for 4 seasons and they say to either : refer to factory manual, check the tag on the compressor. and use a PAG oil. Not how much. Or even which ...
R 12 AC Machine?? - Antique Automobile Club of America
2023年9月14日 · So you buy this; A refrigerant recovery machine and a spare refrigerant tank. Suck out your R12 (or R134) and pump it into your tank. (which actually "stores" the clean refrigerant) After the repair you can then potentially use the recovered clean refrigerant to reinstall in the system or use new stuff from the can and use the "recovered" stuff ...
Anyone used Enviro-Safe Refrigerant yet? - Discussion Forums
2011年4月16日 · On the hoses, if you are replacing hoses, triple wall OR used R-12 hoses will work. The entrained refrigerant oil will impregnate old hoses and provide a molecular seal. If you go out and buy a set of NOS R-12 hoses the charge will be gone in the morning. All that conspiracy stuff in post #2. I have been paying attention since I was about 11.
What is the value of R12 refrigerant? - Discussion Forums
2016年9月21日 · OK I have one car still with R12 and that is the Judge, all of the rest have R134A. The original problem with converting R12 to R134 was the oil. R12 mineral oil did not play well with R134 PAG/Ester. People failed to flush the system properly and the mineral oil residue caused problems.