Alstom Movia R151 - Wikipedia
The Alstom Movia R151 is the seventh generation electric multiple unit (EMU) rolling stock in operation on the existing North–South (NSL) and East–West (EWL) lines of Singapore's Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system.
Alstom Movia R151 - Land Transport Guru
2020年9月28日 · The Alstom Movia R151 Train is an electric multiple unit (EMU) train procured by Singapore’s Land Transport Authority (LTA) for the North South Line and East West Line. A total of 106 trains were ordered under Contract R151 which entered passenger service on 4 …
Alstom Movia R151 | SGTrains.com
2023年6月4日 · The Alstom Movia R151 trains are the seventh generation of electric multiple unit (EMU) rolling stock model for the North-South and East-West MRT lines (NSEWL). 106 trains of six cars were purchased and have been in passenger service since 4 June 2023.
阿爾斯通Movia R151型電力動車組 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
阿爾斯通(龐巴迪)Movia R151型電力動車組 (英語: Alstom Movia R151)將會是 新加坡地鐵 (MRT)系統中既有 南北 、 東西 二線之第七代 電聯車,由長春阿爾斯通鐵路車輛(由 阿爾斯通 〔原 龐巴迪運輸 〕及 中車長客 組成之合資企業,前稱「長春龐巴迪鐵路車輛」)依據R151合約而建造,屬該公司 Movia (英语:Alstom Movia) 列車系列的一部份。 該批新列車將全數取代經已服務至少20年的C151、C651及C751B列車,亦為南北線及東西線核心系統升級及更新計畫 …
r/transit on Reddit: Finally caught the new R151 MRT trains on ...
2023年6月9日 · New Alstom (formerly Bombardier) Movia R151 MRT trains for Singapore MRT’s North-South and East-West MRT Lines. They debuted a few days ago actually but I only managed to catch them today. Definitely a step up from the current train fleet on the North-South and East-West Lines; it’s much quieter, the air conditioning is better, and the ride ...
阿爾斯通Movia R151型電聯車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
阿爾斯通(龐巴迪)Movia R151型電聯車(英語: Alstom Movia R151 )將會是新加坡地鐵(MRT)系統中既有南北、東西二線之第七代電聯車,由長春阿爾斯通鐵路車輛(由阿爾斯通〔原龐巴迪運輸〕及中車長客組成之合資企業,前稱「長春龐巴迪鐵路車輛」)依據R151 ...
‘Open, open, open’: Launch of first 7th-generation MRT train …
2023年6月4日 · Train enthusiasts taking pictures of the new Alstom Movia R151 model which began passenger service on June 4 on the East-West Line. ST PHOTO: GAVIN FOO. SINGAPORE – As an Alstom Movia R151...
Alstom Movia R151: SMRT’s Newest 7th-Gen MRT Train Has …
2023年6月1日 · Commuters travelling on the North-South and East-West MRT lines (NSEWL) can look forward to the new 7th-gen Alstom Movia R151 trains entering passenger service progressively from Sunday (Jun 4), the Land Transport Authority (LTA) said on Thursday.
7th-gen Alstom Movia R151 train debuts passenger service on the …
2024年5月25日 · The new 7th-gen Alstom Movia R151 train for the North-South, East-West MRT lines (NSEWL) has finally started running on the North-South Line (NSL) on Saturday (May 25) afternoon. This latest generation of NSEWL trains first debuted passenger service on the East-West Line (EWL) on Jun 4, 2023, approaching almost one year ago.
Alstom MOVIA R151 - SgWiki
2025年3月15日 · Alstom MOVIA R151 are the seventh generation of trains running on the North–South Line and the East–West Line.