R188 (New York City Subway car) - Wikipedia
The R188 is a class of new technology (NTT) New York City Subway cars built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries for the A Division. The fleet entered service in 2013, displacing the mid …
New York City Subway 7211-7590, 7811-7936 - CPTDB Wiki
MTA New York City Subway 7211-7590, 7811-7936 are Kawasaki Rail Car R188 subway cars. 7811-7936 were built from 2012 to 2016, while 7211-7590 are actually R142A conversion cars …
Onboard R188 7936 - The final R188 C car - YouTube
2016年7月25日 · Here is a ride onboard the final R188 C car, R188 7936, from Hudson Yards to Times Square. It is crazy how quick this order went.
The final set of R188s (7581-7936-7590) departing Hunters
7581-7936-7590 are now testing on the (7). This set marks the conclusion to the R188 order which has been introduced to the number 7 line over the passed few years. Here is 7936, …
Kawasaki R188 - Flickr
Fleet numbers:7211-7590 (converted sets) 7811-7898 (New Sets) 7899-7936 (New "C" cars) The R188 is a type of subway car built by Kawasaki from 2011-2015. Many cars of this fleet are …
Why did the R142A Corona Yard cars "change their number" to R188 …
2024年5月13日 · High numbers is due to. #1101 - #1250 ( R142 150 cars original number were supposed to be:) R142 ex number #7181 - #7210 was renumber to #1101 - #1130 ( 30 cars ) …
Kawasaki R188 - CPTDB Wiki
The R188 is a type of subway car built by Kawasaki Rail Car for the New York City Subway. This series is composed of 126 new cars built from 2012 to 2016 and 380 R142A conversion cars …
紐約地鐵R188型列車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
紐約地鐵R188型列車 是 紐約地鐵 A分部 的 新技術列車 (英语:New Technology Train),由 川崎重工 制造。 506輛列車在2013年投入營運,取代1980年代在7號線營運的 R62 (英 …
R188 Car 7590,7936 in Service - YouTube
Or it will remain 1 or 2 sets of R62A, it can be use for AM Rush Hour or PM Rush Hour or use as refuse train. This set is in service 7581-7590 including 7936. There are still R62A remain in 7 Line
纽约地铁R188型列车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2022年7月13日 · 纽约地铁R188型列车 是 纽约地铁 A分部 的 新技术列车 (英语:New Technology Train),由 川崎重工 制造。 506辆列车在2013年投入营运,取代1980年代在7号 …