R1-G4 - Wookieepedia
R1-G4 [2] was an R1-series astromech droid produced by Industrial Automaton at some point prior to the Battle of Yavin. The astromech droid was one of the droids displayed by Jawa …
R1-G4 Droid | VeVe Collectibles
The R1-G4 Droid is an R1-series astromech droid from the Star Wars™: A New Hope Collection. It was on display at the Jawas droid sale at the Lars moisture farm and was one of the droids …
无处不在的 宇航技工机器人_百科TA说 - 百度百科
R1-G4:破旧受损的R1机器人,在拉尔斯湿气农场被内比特(Nebit)的贾瓦人氏族出售。 这个大型宇航技工机器人可能曾受雇于克勒外壳制品公司(Kroeskin Fabrications),后因前主人被 …
R1-G4 - Droidapedia Wikia | Fandom
R1-G4 was an R1 Astromech Droid that was created a few years before the Battle of Yavin. During the Galactic Civil War, R1 traveled to the desert planet of Tatooine with his owner but …
浓眉投篮不中,太阳立刻发动反击快攻。有了之前三场比赛的教训,他们清楚湖人会在第一时间前来封堵布克,于是,早有准备一路狂奔的艾顿,在布克吸引防守注意力后接到其传球篮下虚晃 …
R1-G4 Tatooine Transaction Star Wars SAGA Series
An old model astromech droid abandoned after the capture of its owner, R1-G4 was one of the droids that the Jawas scavenged to rebuild and sell to Tatooine colonists. Using cobbled …
23年季后赛R1G4打雄鹿,巴特勒首节队友全面哑火的情况下,火 …
2024年12月19日 · 23年季后赛R1G4打雄鹿,巴特勒首节队友全面哑火的情况下,火力全开,单节狂砍22分 由 男人海洋青花 发表在热火专区 https://bbs.hupu.com/heat
OAFE - Star Wars: R1-G4 (Tatooine Transaction) review
An old model astromech droid abandoned after the capture of its owner, R1-G4 was one of the droids that the Jawas scavenged to rebuild and sell to Tatooine colonists. Using cobbled …
R1-G4 | Star Wars IV, V, VI Wiki | Fandom
R1-G4 was an R1-series astromech droid that was abandoned on Tatooine after it's owners were captured by an unknown group, possibly the Tusken Raiders. R1-G4 was eventually stolen by …
R1-G4 - Lego Star Wars Wiki
R1-G4 was an old R1 astromech droid who was the property of a group of Jawas in 0 BBY. When a squad of sandtroopers destroyed their sandcrawler and killed all the Jawas, R1-G4 was …
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