R-32 Refrigerant PT Chart - Refrigerant HQ
2019年3月20日 · Find out the pressure in PSI of the refrigerant R-32 for each temperature (Celcius or Fahrenheit).
- [PDF]
R32 - DAIKIN Chem
R32 is a refrigerant that addresses a range of environmental and safety considerations: • Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) • Lower global Warming Potential (gWP) – about one third of R410a • R32 allows for reduced refrigerant charge, compact design and high energy efficiency
R-32 Refrigerant Pressure Chart - hvaclearningcampus.com
2024年10月29日 · R-32 is one of the more prominent refrigerants used today. Known for its low global warming potential (GWP) and high energy efficiency, R-32 is increasingly being adopted in HVAC in North America. A refrigerant pressure chart provides vital information about the relationship between the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant within a system.
2019年8月12日 · 三个压力是制冷剂R22在空调管路中循环在不同位置所对应的压力,由于R22是在气液之间循环变化的,伴随着吸热和放热,所以外界环境的温度对其有明显的影响。 一般情况下,环境温度高,压力值变大。 环境温度低,压力值变小。 平衡压力:是指压缩机不工作时,高低压平衡时的压力; 高压压力:是指排气压力或冷凝压力; 低压压力:是指吸气压力或蒸发压力。 三个压力的测量都是在室外机气阀的工艺口上,制冷运转时为低压压力,制热运转时为高压压力,不 …
R32 is a chlorine-free, ozone-safe fluorocarbon whose boiling point is -52°C. R32 is a component of R410a, a blend refrigerant widely used in developed coun-tries as a main alternative to HCfC-22, an ozone depleting refrigerant. But R410a has a high global Warming Potential (hereafter, gWP) of 2088, so a new refrigerant
R32 密度|焓熵|饱和温度|压力|比热容|粘度|导热系数等 - AP1700物 …
R-32 Refrigerant Gas Pressure Temperature Chart | PDF | Gas
This document contains a chart listing the pressure levels in bar absolute (barA), bar gauge (barg), and pounds per square inch gauge (psig) of R32 refrigerant at various temperature levels between -70°C and 70°C.
Liquid Density R-32 Environmental Classification HFC Molecular Weight 52.02 g/mol Boiling Point (1atm, °F) -61.0 Critical Pressure (psia) 838.6 Critical Temperature (°F) 172.6
R-32 Pressure Temperature Chart - HVAC Buddy
Make your job easier with our handy refrigerant pressure temperature HVAC app with R-32 included.
bar (14.5 psi) to the gauge pressure. The pressure bar(g) shown is relative to atmospheric pressure. To calculate absolute pressure bar(a), add 1 bar to the gauge pressure. Zobrazený tlak je relativní bar(g) k atmosférickému tlaku. Pro výpočet absolutního tlaku bar(a) přidejte k naměřenému tlaku 1 bar. R32 °F psig bar(g) R32 °C bar ...