R4-D6 | Wookieepedia | Fandom
R4-D6 was a dark blue R4 astromech droid that served the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War against the Galactic Empire. In 0 BBY, it was present in the hangar bay of the Great Temple on Yavin 4, a structure being used as the headquarters of the Alliance.
RPGGamer.org (Characters D6 / R4-D6 (Rebel Astromech Droid))
Description: R4-D6 was a dark blue R4 astromech droid that served the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War against the Galactic Empire. In 0 BBY, it was present in the hangar bay of the Great Temple on Yavin 4, a structure being …
R4-D6 | Droids Wiki | Fandom
R4-D6 was a dark blue R4 astromech droid[4] that served the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil Waragainst the Galactic Empire.[2] In 0 BBY,[5] it was present in the hangar bay of the Great Temple on Yavin 4, a structure being …
R4-D6 - TLC - Build A Droid Research Droids Reviews ...
R4-D6. Status: R4-D6 is an all-new figure that utilizes the R4-series astromech Build A Droid sculpt. It can be built by collecting the following figures: Han Solo (BD 1) – R4-D6 left leg. Luke Skywalker (BD 2) – R4-D6 right leg. Chewbacca (BD 3) – R4-D6 dome/third leg. Leektar & Nippet (BD 4) – R4-D6 body. Commander Gree (GH 1) – R4 ...
R4 (disambiguation) | Wookieepedia - Fandom
R4 can refer to either a specific astromech droid model or one of several individual astromech droids. M5-BZ served as a member of D-Squad during the Clone Wars. R4-G9 was the astromech assigned to Obi-Wan Kenobi following the destruction of his previous droid.
RPGGamer.org (Droids D6 / R4 Astromech Droid)
Capsule: The R4 astromech was designed specifically for the young urban crowd, and was marketed as a space transports and repulsorlift maintenance unit. This droid is popular among Rebel and privateer groups, although it can only hold one hyperspace jump coordinate in RAM.
X-Wing: Meet the Droids - Jodo Cast
2015年1月22日 · R4-D6. R4-D6 was a blue droid. That’s about all there is to know about him. He was around at the battle of Yavin. Basically if R4-D6 is riding along on your ship and you fail to avoid at least 3 hits, you can cancel those hits until there’s only two left. But you take a stress for each hit you cancel like that. This guy is a tricky one.
Jedi Temple Archives - R4-D6 - TLC - Build A Droid
R4-D6 is a droid that has been documented to have two different names. Well, the same movie prop was used two different times with the intention of being two different droids to be clear. According to almost all the research we could find, the same droid prop was used for both R4-D6 (as seen on Yavin in the still in the background centered ...
R4-D6 - Jedipedia | Fandom
R4-D6 war ein dunkelblau lackierter Astromechdroide der R4-Serie, der während des Galaktischen Bürgerkrieges in Diensten der Rebellen-Allianz stand und im Jahre 0 NSY auf dem Stützpunkt auf Yavin IV stationiert war. R4-D6 ist in einer Szene der Special Edition von Episode IV – Eine Neue Hoffnung…
Figure of the Day: Day 818: R4-D6 - Blogger
2008年8月1日 · For years, fans have been asking for more droids. Today, both requests have been answered with R4-D6, one of the first two mass-release build-a-droid action figures. This …