[Top 5] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Doc Loadouts That Are Excellent
2024年8月8日 · MP5 with Magnified B, Extended Barrel, and Angled Grip + P9 with Suppressor and Laser + Barbed Wire. Generally, the MP5 submachine gun is the preferred choice by players when playing Doc. That’s mostly because it has higher damage than the P90.
Doc - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
早期版本中,Doc的武器 MP5 和 P90 都有2.5x倍率的ACOG瞄准镜可选,使得那时候许多Doc玩家在开局会直接前去窗外试图截杀室外的进攻方(偷人),这一高风险行为一旦失误很容易导Doc开局暴毙,无法对团队贡献作用。
Mp5 or p90 for doc or rook : r/SiegeAcademy - Reddit
2022年3月24日 · Personal preference. Mp5 is easier to control and more friendly. P90 is statistically better with higher dps and RoF. If you are able to control recoil, as doc I would go P90. As rook mp5 because he has access to 2.0x scope
P90 or mp5 for doc and rook : r/SiegeAcademy - Reddit
2021年4月11日 · P90 on doc mp5 rook. p90 is by far superior on doc if you can control the recoil. The MP5 has better recoil, damage, reload speed and ttk stats at closer ranges. At around 20m, the P90 starts to become superior. For Doc, it's really preference, at close range the MP5's ttk is faster by like 5m-70ms which is basically nothing.
MP5 冲锋枪 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
MP5冲锋枪是德国H&K公司研发的一种冲锋枪,可以發射9×19或10mm AUTO手槍弹。 1954年,西德开始重整军备,研制国产轻武器,包括自动步枪、机枪和冲锋枪等。
Why is the MP5 considered better than the MP5K? : r/SiegeAcademy - Reddit
2021年3月29日 · If we're talking about Rook's MP5 which has the 2.0x then I can see how it's more powerful. However, Doc's only have the 1.5x similar to the mp5k and Melusi only has 1x sights. Still, pro players and youtubers tend to say that it's still a stronger gun.
What gun does doc have r6? - GB Times Gamepedia
2025年3月18日 · MP5: A reliable and accurate submachine gun, the MP5 is a popular choice for Doc players. Its manageable recoil and decent rate of fire make it effective in close to medium-range engagements.
DOC - R6 Operator Guide | Rainbow Six Siege Center
Doc is a supporting operator who has 3 Stim shots that serve two functions: Shot from stim pistol is capable of healing: An operator is healed for 40hp with single stim and can be overheal to up to 140 hp. When over-healed operators will drop health gradually back …
[Top 5] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Doc Loadouts | Gamers Decide
2023年1月23日 · MP5 with 1.5x Scope, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + LFP586 with Laser + Barbed Wire. I actually spoke too soon. This is the best Doc loadout for spawn peeking.
Who has MP5 in r6? – Gaming FAQ - NCESC
2024年6月28日 · The MP5 is a German submachine gun featured in Rainbow Six Siege. It is available for use by Doc, Rook and Melusi. Does Oryx have mp5? The MP5 was previously available on operator Oryx, and was replaced with the more powerful T-5 SMG for balancing reasons. Who has the SMG in r6? The SMG-11 is a machine pistol …