Valkyrie | Rainbow Six Wiki | Fandom
Meghan J. "Valkyrie" Castellano is a Defending Operator featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, introduced in the Operation Dust Line expansion alongside Blackbeard. [2] . She is also featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Mobile. "You're ready to earn your trident?"
Valkyrie - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
可以安放多个 黑眼 摄像头,为团队成员提供监控工具。 [1] 单击 来投掷。 按住 则可以瞄准投掷方向, 在已经部署的黑眼旁边对准它按住 F 即可回收。 部署时为抛物线投掷,命中物体表面后附着。 可附着在绝大部分物体表面; 黑眼能被枪击、激光射击和爆炸等任何伤害摧毁。 任何玩家视角内, 黑眼 在被己方使用时会发出 友方颜色 的光;被敌方使用时便是 敌方颜色 的光。 当黑眼离开建筑物时,信号会保留10秒,若未能回到建筑内则会丢失信号,失去控制权。 摧毁黑眼所在 …
Operators | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Ubisoft (US)
Encased in a tinted silicone ball, coated in micro-suction cups, the quick deploy camera maintains a clear view thanks to the internal gyroscope that dictates the angle of the lens. The suction …
Valkyrie - R6 Operator Guide | Rainbow Six Siege Center
Detailed information on how to play the Valkyrie R6 Siege operator. What is the utility? Valkyrie is an intel-gathering defender with access to 3 Black Eye cameras. Her cameras can be thrown virtually anywhere within the map. The most important characteristic of Black Eyes is that they attach to almost any surface!
[Top 5] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Valkyrie Loadouts That Are Excellent
2024年4月10日 · MPX with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, Angled Grip, and Laser + D-50 with Suppressor and Laser + Impact Grenade. This loadout setup is for Valkyrie players who like to …
New Videos Tagged with valkyrie (rainbow six) (18)
The hard training of Ela and Valkyrie. [Trahao] Valkyrie's rare "interactions" with her shore leave. [Trahao]
R6S.skin - Valkyrie
Rainbow Six Siege skin database.
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Explore and discover the latest Rainbow Six Siege skins, including headgear, uniforms, weapon skins, charms, and more.
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