R6: Siege Stats, Leaderboards & More! - Rainbow Six Siege Tracker
Rainbow Six: Siege Tracker is an in-game real-time tracking solution for your Rainbow Six: Siege stats. We calculate your performance to make sure you are on top of the competition. PC Required. Does not support Xbox or Playstation. Track ad-free on all of our sites and apps. Stand out from the crowd with a custom profile.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege | Ubisoft (US)
Master the art of destruction and gadgetry in Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege. Face intense close quarters combat, high lethality, tactical decision making, team play, and explosive action within every moment. Available on PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One.
《湯姆克蘭西之虹彩六號:圍攻行動》| Ubisoft (ZH)
以這款高級同捆迎接《虹彩六號:圍攻行動 X》,見證全新時代的開端! 此限時特惠只開放至 2025 年 6 月. 部分最新消息可能僅有英文版本。 See the changes made over the course of the Y10S1 Season Test Server. 藉由過去 9 年推出的頂級外觀物品歡慶《虹彩六號:圍攻行動》新時代。 在「Prep Phase 行動」掌控戰鬥的走向。 新的攻擊方特勤幹員 Rauora 可透過獨特裝備「D.O.M. 面板」提供戰術掩護,開闢通往勝利的新路線。 第 1 季還包括「名聲系統」的完整推 …
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Epic Games Store
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege is an elite, realistic, tactical, team-based shooter where superior planning and execution triumph. It features 5v5 attack vs. defense gameplay, and intense close-quarters combat in destructible environments. Choose from over 60 operators, each with unique gadgets and customizable weapon loadouts.
Roadmap | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege | Ubisoft (US)
Feb 16, 2025 · Rainbow Six® Siege is a live game, and target dates are subject to change. Expect target updates each season announcement for planned features and new surprises. Release and activation of the Reputation System, with impacts determined by …
《彩虹六号》是一款主打5V5室内攻防竞技的战术射击游戏,玩家将在游戏中扮演具有独特能力的精英干员,体验可破坏建筑墙体,立体攻防的独特战斗方式。 室内立体攻防战术射击之巅. 《彩虹六号》是一款主打5V5室内攻防竞技的战术射击游戏,玩家将在游戏中扮演具有独特能力的精英干员,体验可破坏建筑墙体,立体攻防的独特战斗方式。 多位特色干员百变技能策略. 《彩虹六号》是一款主打5V5室内攻防竞技的战术射击游戏,玩家将在游戏中扮演具有独特能力的精英干 …
《彩虹六号》 | Ubisoft Store
在育碧商店享受终极游戏体验,包括全新游戏、 赛季通行证以及更多额外内容。 加上定期促销与特殊优惠,您能够在这里买到各种超值优惠游戏, 例如育碧的顶级系列 《刺客信条》 、 《孤 …
《彩虹六号》(Rainbow six)应该属于第一人称射击游戏,但是,它又和一般意义的第一人称射击游戏有所不同,更侧重于战术层次上的策略。 在游戏中,你指挥一支精锐的反恐怖小分队,在全世界履行着打击恐怖主义分子的神圣使命。 这款游戏最吸引人注目的特点就是极为逼真的模拟,无论是视觉上还是音效上都堪称一流。 玩家仿若身临其境,手持微声突击步枪,身着各式作战服,戴着微光夜视仪,和战友们深入戒备森严的恐怖分子巢穴,体验一下在狭小的空间里搜索、击毙恐 …
R6 Tracker App - Rainbow Six Siege Tracker
Download the ultimate Rainbow Six: Siege stats tracker for FREE! R6 Tracker is an in-game real-time tracking solution for your Rainbow Six Siege stats. We calculate your performance to make sure you are on top of the competition.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - xbox.com
It features 5v5 attack vs. defense gameplay, and intense close-quarters combat in destructible environments. Choose from over 60 operators, each with unique gadgets and customizable weapon loadouts. Outthink your opponents by breaching walls, floors, and windows, or lie in wait with deadly traps.
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