R-7 Semyorka - Wikipedia
The R-7 Semyorka (Russian: Р-7 Семёрка, lit. 'number seven', GRAU index: 8K71) was a Soviet missile developed during the Cold War, and the world's first intercontinental ballistic missile. The R-7 made 28 launches between 1957 and 1961. A …
Sputnik (rocket) - Wikipedia
The Sputnik rocket was an uncrewed orbital carrier rocket designed by Sergei Korolev in the Soviet Union, derived from the R-7 Semyorka ICBM. On 4 October 1957, it was used to perform the world's first satellite launch, placing Sputnik 1 into a low Earth orbit.
R-7 (rocket family) - Wikipedia
An unmodified R-7 launched Sputnik 1, the world's first artificial satellite. With the addition of upper stages, the R-7 spawned numerous variants, each optimized for specific missions. The Vostok variant carried the first human into orbit, Yuri Gagarin.
R-7 family of launchers and ICBMs - RussianSpaceWeb.com
The First Artificial Satellite of the Earth, Sputnik-1 1957 Oct. 4, 22:28:34 Moscow time (00:28:34 local time on October 5): The R-7 rocket (Number 8K71PS) launched world's first artificial satellite PS-1 or Sputnik-1 from Baikonur. Second Artificial Satellite of …
R-7 | Intercontinental, Soviet, ICBM | Britannica
R-7, Soviet/Russian missile and launch vehicle. Under the direction of the rocket pioneer Sergey Korolyov, the Soviet Union during the 1950s developed an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) that was capable of delivering a heavy nuclear warhead to American targets.
“斯普特尼克时刻”来源于英文的“SputnikMoment”。Sputnik是苏联 …
2021年10月28日 · 1957年10月4日,苏联用R7火箭从位于现在哈萨克斯坦境内的拜科努尔航天基地携带“斯普特尼克”人造卫星成功发射,这也成为人类有史以来发射升空的第一颗人造卫星。
卫星号 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻 …
卫星号 (Sputnik),由苏联的弹道导弹R7(8K71)改装而来,在 谢尔盖·科罗廖夫 领导下研制。 作为这个世界上第一枚发射人造卫星进入地球轨道的火箭,“卫星号”为全人类航天事业作出了重大贡献,也为R7系列火箭的后续型号铺路。
R-7 - Encyclopedia Astronautica
2016年7月28日 · The Soviet Union launched its second unmanned test of the Vostok spacecraft, the Korabl Sputnik II, or Sputnik V. The spacecraft carried two dogs, Strelka and Belka, in addition to a gray rabbit, rats, mice, flies, plants, fungi, microscopic water plants, and seeds.
R-7弹道导弹(俄文:P-7,英文:R-7,俄文:Семёрка,译文:7号,北约代号:SS-6,绰号:“Sapwood”,译文:警棍 [1]),是苏联第一代 洲际弹道导弹。 R-7弹道导弹是世界上最早出现的洲际弹道导弹,早期的导弹部署在地面发射阵地上,后期部署在地下井中,从地下井直接发射。 作为动力巨大的液体燃料火箭,到1980年元旦已经成功地完成了767次轨道任务。 在R-7基础上,前苏联研制了第二代 洲际导弹 是SS-7、SS-8洲际弹道导弹 [2]。 R-7弹道导弹于1954年由 苏联 …
sputnik - NASA
The Sputnik rocket was based on the R7 interchangeable ballistic missle and was used to launch satellites into orbit beginning with the Sputnik 1 satellite. The Sputnik rocket was comprised of four strap-on boosters (stage 1) and a central core stage (stage 2).