Why R-99 is OP and even a thing? Deep analysis of a weapon
What is really important about the R99 is that it deals a lot of damage too fast, and while missing shots is easy it still makes it a reliable weapon. My honest opinion is that is not OP, it requires …
Difference between Alternator vs. RE45 Vs. R99? : r/apexlegends
Jan 25, 2021 · R99 can kill very very fast but it runs out of bullets very fast. It can be hard to control, but its one of the best. Alternator is very slow, and stable, but can get the job done. Its …
R-301 vs R-99 : r/apexlegends - Reddit
May 28, 2019 · The R99's 216 DPS compared to the R301's 189 is a lot more relevant late game as you can one clip someone with purple armor in less than a second with the R99. You cant …
Car vs r99 : r/apexuniversity - Reddit
Apr 20, 2022 · The r99 is harder to keep because it needs light ammo, and needs a mag. But unlike the car, the r99 is an extremely responsive weapon and there is no significant horizontal …
Comparing the R-99 and RE-45 : r/apexuniversity - Reddit
May 16, 2020 · After Season 5 dropped, these two guns have come really really close in terms of power. There's no question the R-99 is top tier, but after the damage+reload speed buffs the …
The Big Difference Between the R-99 and the Volt : r/apexlegends
Nov 19, 2020 · The Volt has more DPS than the r99 (208 vs 198) and less damage per mag (416 vs 297). The hipfire is more than adequate and the recoil is much easier. The volt is objectively …
Which gun do you think is better, C.A.R smg or R99? - Reddit
Nov 6, 2021 · To me, C.A.R is like the R99 but more adaptable though fires a little bit slower but I want to know if people prefers the C.A.R or the R99 and why Share Add a Comment Sort by:
What’s your honest thoughts on the R99? : r/apexlegends - Reddit
After returning late this season and managing to get to diamond, we are noticing that literally everyone is using the R99 for close - medium range encounters. What are the thoughts on this …
R99 or R-301 ? : r/apexlegends - Reddit
r99 is superior late game, but 301 is very good overall, versatile at any range and is better without any attachments r99 is a beast with purple kit / digital threat, but isnt as good without good …
Weapon Wednesday: R-99 | March 9th, 2022 : r/apexlegends
Mar 9, 2022 · The car and r99s actual ttk per spreadsheets is almost equal but changes on shields. For white and red both have same ttk. Blue shields the r99 has better ttk while for …