Convert NCS to RAL color code - NCS- and RAL-colors
Use this table and colour chart to convert an NCS color code (Natural Color System) to a RAL color code. Because the RAL system contains a more limited number of colors than NCS, it's not always possible to make a 100% exact conversion. The values in the table describe the RAL color that is nearest to each NCS color.
S 6030-G : NCS color S 6030-G - PaintColourChart.com
2025年3月18日 · Find the different correspondences of the NCS S 6030-G color: Hexadecimal, RGB (Red Green Blue)...
查询色号“6030”相关结果 - 千通彩色库
欢迎使用千通彩色库,输入色号关键词,即可查询国际标准色号! 使用声明: 请注意千通彩色库中显示的颜色及数值是由计算机模拟的颜色,不同设备上显示也有所区别,实际生产中请参阅 …
NCS S-6030-R80B to RAL 5026, RAL 280 20 30 | RAL Colour chart …
This tool ensures that you can easily convert and match colors from NCS to RAL, enhancing your design and application processes.
NCS S 6030-R90B vs. RAL Classic Pearl night blue
Compare NCS S 6030-R90B and RAL Classic RAL 5026 side by side. Understand the differences in hue, saturation, lightness, and value.
6030-相关色号查询 - 南北潮官方出品
南北潮色卡色号查询工具,包括潘通PANTONE色号查询、劳尔RAL色号查询等。 输入色号快速匹配对应色卡,还可一键显示色号颜色。
NCS 6030-Y90R - NCS- and RAL-colors
View details about NCS 6030-Y90R and convert to RAL color code. NCS and RAL are two different color systems, primarily used in architecture, design and print.
NCS S 6030-B70G vs. RAL Classic Patina green comparison
NCS S 6030-B70G and RAL 6000 differ significantly in saturation. NCS S 6030-B70G is more saturated. They differ in their values, with NCS S 6030-B70G is being darker. Supported paint brands for comparison: Behr, Benjamin Moore, Farrow and Ball, Dulux, Jotun, Little Greene, NCS, Ral Classic, Ral Design, Ral Effect, Sherwin Williams, Tikkurila ...
S 6030-R10B : NCS color S 6030-R10B - PaintColourChart.com
2025年3月18日 · Find the different correspondences of the NCS S 6030-R10B color: Hexadecimal, RGB (Red Green Blue)...
RAL 050-30-30 to NCS S 6030-Y60R | RAL Colour chart UK
Knowing this, we published this cross-reference based conversion tool where you can find an NCS match for any known RAL color right here on your computer screen.