Rolls-Royce RB211 - Wikipedia
The Rolls-Royce RB211 is a British family of high-bypass turbofan engines made by Rolls-Royce. The engines are capable of generating 41,030 to 59,450 lbf (182.5 to 264.4 kN) of thrust. The RB211 engine was the first production three-spool engine and turned Rolls-Royce from a significant player in the aero-engine industry into a global leader.
RB211-535E4 - Rolls-Royce
RB211-535E4 for the Boeing 757 family. Available at thrust ratings from 40,100 to 43,100lbf take-off thrust. In achieving its world record time on wing of over 40,500 hours, demonstrated the superior performance of the Rolls-Royce three-shaft engine.
The RB211-535 has a fan diameter of 74.1 inches, a six-stage IPC, a six-stage HPC, a single-stage high pressure turbine (HPT), a single-stage intermediate pressure turbine (IPT), and a three-stage low pressure turbine (LPT). This basic configuration has been used on every variant of the RB211-535. The 12 compressor and five turbine stages
RB211发动机 - 百度百科
rb211是第一款三转子涡轮发动机,这也使得罗尔斯罗伊斯在航空器发动机领域才能够由一个小玩家变成世界级的竞争者。 20世纪90年代,RB211被其概念的继承者遄达系列发动机(Trent)所取代。
variant of the RB211-535. The 12 compressor and five turbine stages compare to the PW2000’s 16 compressor and seven turbine stages. The RB211-535C was the last variant of the RB211 family to use fan blades with a mid-span shroud. The -535C is rated at 37,400lbs thrust. The new - 535E4 introduced the use of wide-chord fan blades, which do not ...
The RB211-535 has the three-shaft configuration of all RR RB211 and Trent engines. The engine is configured with a 74.1-inch diameter intake fan, an intermediate pressure compressor (IPC), a high pressure compressor (HPC), a high pressure turbine (HPT), an intermediate pressure turbine (IPT), and a low pressure turbine (LPT).
Rolls-Royce(劳斯莱斯/罗尔斯罗伊斯)RB211发动机介绍航空科 …
2013年3月6日 · rb211-535系列 在20世纪70年代中期,波音公司正在考虑设计一个新的双引擎飞机,以取代其高度成功的727。 随着规模的建议飞机向200增加至150名 乘客,实现罗尔斯·罗伊斯公司的RB211作出调整,降低了风扇直径和消除产生必要的37,400磅的发动机,第一IP压缩机阶段 ...
劳斯莱斯 RB211-535 - StandardAero
现已获得中国民用航空局 (CAAC)认证 2018 年 1 月,StandardAero 宣布被罗尔斯·罗伊斯选为 RB211-535E4 宽弦风扇飞机发动机制造商的“型号寿命”维护服务提供商。 RB211-535 为已交付的所有波音 757 中程客机的 58% 提供动力,预计将继续投入商业服务直至 2040 年。 StandardAero 通过其位于德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥 ...
高清,罗罗商用航空发动机剖面图_lbf - 搜狐
RB211-535E4运行于1984年,推力40100lbf(178 kN),自重3.295吨,长2.99米,风扇直径1.88米,装机:波音757-200/300。 助力波音747-400和波音767-300ER的RB211-524发动机和助力波音757的RB211-535发动机开创了罗尔斯-罗伊斯独特的三转子结构涡轮,为遄达系列发动机的成功奠定了基础。 遄达500:长3.9米,风扇直径2.5米;装机:空客A340。 遄达500是空客超远程A340-500/600型飞机的专属发动机。 自2002年投入运营,交付589台,用于装载129架飞机, …
Rolls-Royce 535 - Aviation Pros
2025年3月14日 · The Rolls-Royce RB211-535 is a very popular engine used on around 70 percent of the Boeing 757 aircraft in commercial service. The engine was introduced in the late Ô70s as part of a...
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