Code of Conduct - Responsible Business
The RBA Code of Conduct is a set of social, environmental and ethical industry standards. The standards set out in the Code of Conduct reference international norms and standards including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO International Labor Standards, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, ISO and SA standards, and many more.
Responsible Business Alliance
2024年12月5日 · Responsible Labor Initiative. The RLI is a multi-industry, multi-stakeholder initiative focused on ensuring that the rights of workers vulnerable to forced labor in global supply chains are consistently respected and promoted. Learn about RLI
Trafficked & Forced Labor - Responsible Business
While the RBA Code of Conduct explicitly bans trafficked and forced labor, completely eradicating it in the global electronics industry supply chain remains a challenge. To explore how the entire industry – represented in RBA membership – can work together to eradicate trafficked and forced labor in electronics industry supply chains, the ...
RBA requirement ? The correct answer is B A – Yes because it is for safety purpose. B – No because no original personal documents should be withheld by employer or labor agents. Image attracted from RBA eLearning 9
Responsible Labor Initiative
As a multi-industry initiative, the RLI exists to make compliance to forced labor due diligence and responsible recruitment an established practice among global corporations and their suppliers, to ensure that all vulnerable workers in global supply chains are recruited and employed according to ethical standards.
Forced Labor Standards - Responsible Labor
The RLI promotes elements of the RBA Code of Conduct that apply to ethical recruitment and employment of workers, such as Freely Chosen Employment, Young Workers, Working Hours, Wages and Benefits, Humane Treatment, Non-Discrimination/Harassment and Freedom of …
Remedy - Responsible Labor
When core or egregious violations of worker rights have been discovered, companies should provide for or cooperate in remediation when appropriate. The RLI enables our members and their suppliers with both tools, guidance and a community of practice to establish effective grievance mechanisms as well as provide well-informed, fair remediation.
RBA稽核重點解析,Part A-勞工|RBA專案顧問筆記公開!
管理與人資單位最清楚公司勞工相關的規範與細節,並且有權可直接進行調整,因此在進行RBA準備過程中,扮演非常重要的角色,務必參與建置過程! 本文作者為Justin Wang,為社會責任-RBA專案顧問
2020 RBA最新版-勞工 (labor)部分調整「費用定義」 | ISO 顧問 …
外勞仲介服務費一直許多準備或正在執行 RBA VAP的廠商傷腦筋的首要議題,RBA官方組織在陸續在這幾年不斷的更新「Definition of Fees (費用定義)」,讓廠商可以更明確清楚的瞭解針對「服務費處理」因應的方向。 最新版本的「Definition of Fees (費用定義)」,即將會在2020年1月1日開始啟用,舊版本的「Definition of Fees (費用定義)」也僅適用至2019年12月31日。 以下節錄 RBA 2020年最新版「Definition of Fees (費用定義)」重點,提供更清楚的「定義」: 無證移工:非 …
仁寶ESG - Compal Electronics
The RBA Code of Conduct 8.0 was released and came into effect on January 1, 2024. The original five main themes remain unchanged: (A) Labor, (B) Health and Safety, (C) Environment, (D) Ethics, and (E) Management Systems.